Chapter 742 Trading 1
Zhou Meige panicked and immediately yelled.

Sure enough, when Ling Weifeng was mentioned, Ling Jiang's movements stopped.

He half-closed his eyes and looked at Zhou Meige dangerously.

That look seemed to see through her whole body.

Zhou Meige was very frightened, and when Ling Jiang's hand was loose, she struggled out immediately.

Then curl up in the corner of the sofa.

Like a frightened deer, beware of him in fear.

"What do you mean?" Ling Jiang narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Zhou Meige calmed down, she was making a deal with him now, she had confidence.

Thinking of this, she became more courageous.

"I know that you want the inheritance of the Ling family, and Ling Weifeng is your biggest stumbling block. I know that Ling Weifeng has a secret. If this secret is made public, she will definitely lose her right to inherit the right and be kicked out of the Ling family. !"

Zhou Meige spoke loudly.

She had already made up her mind to make a deal with Ling Jiang that Ling Weifeng was a girl's secret.

Let Ling Weifeng have nothing!
When Ling Weifeng was kicked out of Ling's house, hiding in the darkness, those who wanted Ling Weifeng's life would be easier to succeed!
In this way, Ling Weifeng will definitely die!
She can't control that much anymore, she's had enough of this kind of life that is worse than a dog!

She wants to leave, far away from here.

Before leaving, she wanted to disturb the pool of water in the Ling family.

Let Ling Weifeng have nothing!
As for the handle in Ling Weifeng's hands, as long as she leaves, there will be no threat to her anymore.

And her father and mother's murder.

I can't control that much anymore, her mother can leave her behind with money and leave without treating her as a daughter at all.

Why would she still think of that woman as a mother.

As for her father, I can only feel sorry.

Anyway, squatting in prison is also painful, and it would be better to die.

People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, she just wants to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

"What secret?" Ling Jiang asked coldly.

That tone, as if if Zhou Meige didn't speak out, he would kill her.

Zhou Meige was a little flustered by this look.

Being abused by Ling Jiang, she was really afraid of this man.

Suppressing the fear in her heart, she said calmly, "I want to make a deal with you."

Ling Jiang smiled coldly, stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed Zhou Meige's neck.

The tone was dangerous, "Zhou Meige, what qualifications do you have to make a deal with me?"

He was so strong that he almost strangled Zhou Meige to death.

After a while, Zhou Meige's face turned red and she couldn't breathe at all.

Ling Jiang did not intend to let her go.

He knew that this woman was a poisonous snake, and if he wanted to suppress her poison, he had to be more poisonous than her!

Zhou Meige struggled constantly, trying to break Ling Jiang's hands that were clamping her neck.

However, her strength is nothing in front of Ling Jiang.

As the air in her lungs dwindled, so did her strength.

In the end, it could only hang down helplessly.

Then he looked at the ruthless man in front of him with a little lax eyes.

At this moment, the feeling of death is so clear.

She seemed to have a premonition that she would die in the next second.

However, at this moment, Ling Jiang let her go.

Throwing her to the ground.

Once in contact with the air again, Zhou Meige breathed heavily.

Almost greedily absorbing the air.

very scary!
He was almost strangled to death by Ling Jiang just now.

Ling Jiang walked up to her and looked down at her, "Say."

(End of this chapter)

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