Chapter 764 Make it up! 1
Throwing him on the bed, Prince Xi directly pressed him down.

Grabbing her lips was a passionate kiss, and his hands impatiently touched her body.

The other hand began to tear at her clothes.

This anxious look scared Ling Weifeng.

"Well... what are you doing... what..."

Ling Weifeng was flustered by him, completely overwhelmed.

You can only use your hands and feet to push him away.

After struggling for a while, she finally pushed Prince Xi away a little.

Facing his green eyes, Ling Weifeng was almost scared out of her wits.

This is too scary!
"Xiao Feng!"

Prince Xi, Gu is really in a hurry. After thinking about it for so long, he finally waited for it. Can you not be in a hurry.

He was about to choke out internal injuries!

"You're sick." Ling Weifeng's face changed color in fright.

One hand rested on his chest to prevent him from pressing it down, and the other hand hurriedly pulled up his clothes.

This man is simply too scary.

This is about to go out, and she is actually suppressing her to want to do this kind of thing, and she is not afraid of being discovered.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

Seeing that Prince Xi Gu hadn't gone out for so long, the butler came over to call for someone.

"Someone is calling, get out quickly."

Ling Weifeng urged.

She didn't want to mess around with him here early in the morning.

And she was so touched last night, that's why she made such a hasty decision in a daze. Now that she's awake, she won't agree again.

At least until adulthood, this is the bottom line!

"Leave him alone, let's continue."

As Prince Xi said, he grabbed her hand and wanted to take it away.

Ling Weifeng turned cold, "Prince Xi Gu, it's time for you to board the plane!"

"Leave after finishing, let them wait!"

He didn't go to the airport to take a plane, he took his own private plane, and it was a dedicated flight path.

It won't hinder others, and you can leave whenever you want.

Who dares to say a word!

Ling Weifeng was so pissed off, this guy was so smart that he really didn't care about anything.

"Be your sister, go out quickly."

"Don't be my sister, be you!"

Ling Weifeng blushed, she really didn't expect that Prince Xi Gu would say such a thing.

"I don't want to, get up!"

Prince Xi looked at Kenyi, "You clearly agreed!"

"When did I promise, let go."

"You just said that you agreed last night."

"You said it was last night, now the time has passed, it's too late!"

"It's not too late, make it up now!" Prince Xi's eyes turned red anxiously.

How can there be any reason to take back the words spoken and the water poured out!

The knocking on the door continued, and the butler's voice was heard.

"Master, master, can you go out?"

"Master, are you in there?"

Ling Weifeng was not as thick-skinned as Prince Xi, and struggled to get up.

The urging voices outside made her feel ashamed.

If people knew what she and Prince Xi Gu were doing now, she would probably lose face to the Pacific Ocean!
"The butler is urging, get up quickly."

Prince Xi let out a low growl, really annoyed.

He reached out and pressed the switch on the bedside.

There was only a bang, as if it was locked.

Then, there was silence, and the knocking on the door outside, as well as the butler's voice, could not come in at all.

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Yes, it is directly soundproofed.

Emperor Xi took care of this house, it is really high-tech.

"Let's continue!"

Prince Xi said that he was going to suppress it.

Ling Weifeng almost died of anger.

"Bastard, let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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