Chapter 765 Make it up! 2
"Honey, I feel bad."

Prince Xi knew that it was impossible to be too hard, so he softened his voice and said pitifully.

A man who has always been domineering, once he shows weakness, his lethality is very strong.

Ling Weifeng almost couldn't resist.

Fortunately, she still has reason left, knowing that he has to catch a plane, it is impossible to really quarrel with him.

Moreover, she is so clear-headed now that she really can't do this kind of thing.

There is no atmosphere at all!

"You won't feel bad someday, get up quickly."

"I don't care, anyway, you have already agreed." Prince Xi Gu said arrogantly.

It was not easy for her to let go. If she couldn't be dealt with before leaving, she didn't know when she would have to wait.

He will want to go crazy!
"Passing this village..."

"Then I'm in the next village!"

Ling Weifeng originally wanted to say that after passing this village, there would be no such shop, but she regretted it.

Who knew that Prince Xi saw through that she wanted to repent, so he directly interrupted her, blocking her from speaking.

Ling Weifeng was speechless, why does this man think about such things all the time.

Well, even if she admits that men have physical needs, he only has this kind of impulse towards her, which is not dirty.

But this frequency is too scary, I think about it almost every day.

Are you sure this is normal.

"Don't let go, I'm angry!"

Ling Weifeng put on a straight face, trying to scare Prince Xi away.

But a man who is passionate, how can he give up so easily.

"Prince Xi Gu, you just said last night that you won't force me!" Ling Weifeng raised her voice a bit.

Prince Xi felt a resentment in his heart.

Why did she acquiesce last night? She didn't see it, and missed a great opportunity for nothing!

Now he really didn't dare to be tough.

It was because of this incident yesterday that I pissed her off, and she has been in a cold war until now.

How dare he.


If you don't come to be strong, the benefits will be gone!

Master Xihuang, that's a tangled one.

"Get up quickly, you can't leave today." Ling Weifeng pushed him.

"Don't go, let's go tomorrow!"

Prince Xi said categorically.

His expression was a little solemn.

If he doesn't leave, if he doesn't eat this little thing, he won't be at peace when he leaves!

Ling Weifeng heard his implication, and her face turned red instantly.

"Prince Xi Gu, get up for me!"

This man is simply speechless.

"You don't want to go, okay, then I don't have to see you off today, I'm going home!" Ling Weifeng said angrily.

Prince Xi knew that she was angry again, and at the same time had a premonition that it would be impossible to succeed today.

Not only today, but before he left, it was impossible.

A low growl of dissatisfaction came out of his throat.

It's a bit like the coquettish feeling a child feels when he doesn't get his favorite candy.

It made Ling Weifeng dumbfounded.

She wanted to laugh, but she was in a cold war, how could she laugh out loud.

That would be so shameless.

Prince Xi firmly held her down and kissed her deeply.

If you refuse to let him sleep, then he will kiss you enough!

You can also have a good aftertaste when you go to the United States.

Ling Weifeng couldn't push it away, so he could only let him mess around.

The two quarreled for nearly half an hour.

The housekeeper didn't listen to his calls, and he couldn't open the door.

Du Ruxue and Xihuangzhen also came over, but Prince Xi Gu just didn't open the door.

The sound is completely isolated, and there is no knock on the door at all.

Du Ruxue called Prince Xi Gu's cell phone, but Prince Xi Gu was in a bad mood and didn't answer.

Du Ruxue beat Ling Weifeng again.

Ling Weifeng wanted to pick it up, but the young master wouldn't let him go.

In the end, Emperor Xi's son Gu left as planned.

(End of this chapter)

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