Chapter 539
"Nonsense!" The imposing coercion was fruitless, Elder Bai was already startled, and looked at Jun Yunqing full of scrutiny. At this moment, he was put on a big hat again, and suddenly his face twitched fiercely, and he shouted: "This elder doesn't even know that you have the Holy Order of Haori on you!"

Speaking of this, he seemed to have grasped something. He looked at Haori Shengzi with a sad face, "Your Highness! This is the holy decree representing the identity of Haori Palace and Shengzi! How can you just give it to someone!"

Before Holy Son Haori opened his mouth, Jun Yunqing had already accepted the words with a smile, "Oh, what Elder Bai said is wrong! How can Holy Son just give it casually! He obviously gave it seriously! You must I'll keep it safe and don't lose it!"

She nodded while talking, and asked Haori Shengzi, "Your Highness, do you think so?"

"Yeah." Seeing her, Shengzi Haori couldn't help laughing, "It was indeed given seriously, Elder Bai doesn't have to worry."

Elder Bai was furious!
The point of his words is not here at all, but to force the Holy Son of Haori to take back the Holy Order of Haori!
This Jun Yunqing is really a little sophistry and clever!

However, it's just a little cleverness!
After taking a deep breath, Elder Bai calmed down, sat back in his seat, looked at Jun Yunqing and sneered, "Second Miss Gu, doesn't she feel that her appetite is a bit big? Although you saved His Highness's life, is it worth it?" I think you know this in your heart! His Highness the Holy Son has a kind heart, but you can’t push yourself too far! People, sometimes you have to weigh yourself, so don’t lose your sense of proportion! Are you right?”

These words hide their sharpness, and every sentence is cruel. If a girl with a thin skin and a noble heart can't bear it at all, she will be so damaged that she can't lift her head every minute. In a fit of anger, she might throw the Holy Order of Haori back to her Shengzi Haori, say no to your stinking thing!

Tsk, this is actually the most stupid thing to do!

Because generally people who say this want you to do this!

Basically, they are the kind of "I don't get you and I don't get it" kind of people. If you do this, you will flatter their hearts and break the hearts of your friends. Why bother!
What does it matter what irrelevant people say?The more they say the more proud you should be!
Take your own things and envy them to death!This is the kingly way!
Jun Yunqing raised his eyebrows: "Elder Bai's words are interesting. I saved His Royal Highness's life and it's not worth the Haori Holy Order. That is to say, in your heart, His Royal Highness's life is not as good as this one." The token of the dead thing? Elder Bai, what is your intention!"

In terms of lip service, none of the ten Bai elders is a match for Jun Yunqing!Jun Yunqing blocked his words easily, and in turn slapped him with a terribly big hat, but made him unable to refute, and almost suffered internal injuries!

"You..." Elder Bai pointed at her, unable to speak for a long time, and it took a while to calm down, "You are talking nonsense! This elder is loyal to the Divine Palace..."

"Isn't that right? Elder Bai obviously said this yourself, I'm just repeating it, why did I turn it into nonsense?" Jun Yunqing took the conversation with a pure and innocent face while playing with the Haori Holy Decree in his hand.

Elder Bai was so choked by her that he was almost pissed off, he gasped and stared at her, "you" couldn't come out for a long time, why did he come.

Shengzi Haori saw a slight smile on his lips, and simply sat beside him to watch the play.

Today he really saw how powerful Jun Yunqing's mouth is.

Bai Yue said at this moment: "Luo Jia's life is naturally more precious than the Holy Order of Haori, but if you are really sincere in saving people, you will not accept the Holy Order of Haori! But don't have any plans!"

She held her head high and looked at Jun Yunqing contemptuously, "Say it! What else do you want? I will satisfy you! But the Holy Order of Haori is not something you can take! Don't think it's just a little kindness. Just have delusions, some people, you can't think of them!"

"That's right!" Elder Bai was also relieved at this time, and he followed Bai Yue's words and said sarcastically, "I heard that you claimed 10 yuan for crystal because the district elder smashed Gu's house? How greedy! Since In this way, there are 15 yuan of crystals here, and it will be counted as your reward for saving His Royal Highness the Holy Son! Return the Holy Order of Haori, take this money and go!"

As he spoke, he flicked his sleeves, and a pile of Yuanjing rolled down in front of Jun Yunqing, with a clear and crisp voice, shining brightly and dazzled people's eyes.

"Elder Bai! You are going too far!" Shengzi Haori couldn't stand it any longer, and stood up abruptly, his clear glass-colored eyes gleaming with uncontrollable anger like a clear spring, how could they insult Junyun like this Sir!
"Yunying, let's go!"

He stretched out his hand to pull Jun Yunqing, and Jun Yunqing waved his hand.

Hit her with money?Interesting!

"15 yuan crystal?" She took a step forward, her fiery red skirt covered the crystal clear crystal, and the luster of the spar was reflected on the skirt, which was very beautiful.

Lifting his foot and kicking a Yuanjing, Jun Yunqing grabbed it, opened his hand and looked at it, the smile on his lips widened, "I have never seen so many Yuanjing before."

After hearing this, Bai Yue raised her chin even higher, with a smug and haughty expression, and said with a sneer, "Of course you haven't seen it! Just because you are the daughter of a small family in a middle-level city, the head of the family is only a middle-level Xuanhuang, so what?" Maybe you have seen so many crystals? Don’t mention you! Even the general Emperor Xuan would not want to have so many crystals! But this is nothing to our entire Bai family!”

"Now you know, where is the gap between you and us, and His Highness the Son? People like you don't even have the qualifications to stand beside Lorgar."

"Oh." It turned out that she was in such a miserable situation!Not even qualified to stand beside Haori Shengzi?

"Then may I ask, how can I stand beside Haori Shengzi?" Jun Yunqing asked kindly.

Before Bai Yue could answer, she had already started talking to herself: "Well, Yuan Jing, I can't afford that much, at most I can only offer one hundred and twenty thousand. Hey..."

As she spoke, she waved her hand and put down a pile of primordial crystals on the other side of the hall, which was only a little smaller than the pile brought out by Elder Bai!
Then, she held her chin, tapped her forehead with one hand, and said in a thoughtful manner: "Well, this is not enough! How about adding some spirit crystals?"

While speaking, she waved her hand again, and a total of four to five thousand spirit crystals appeared beside the pile of primordial crystals.

As soon as this small pile of spirit crystals appeared, the hall was immediately filled with a touch of aura, and taking a deep breath made one feel refreshed, refreshed, and indescribably comfortable!

It's still the kind of high-quality spirit crystals that can only be condensed by high-level Xuan Emperors and above!

Elder Bai looked at the small pile of spirit crystals, his eyes almost popped out!
How can it be!None of their Bai family has so many spirit crystals stored!

Four or five thousand pieces!It would take more than ten years for a high-level Xuandi to condense one piece a day to save so many!
Shengzi Haori was also stunned.

He thought: Didn't Bei Mingying evacuate all of Dongfang Tianyu's treasury to Jun Yunqing?
No matter what he thinks, he probably never imagined that these are all harvested by Jun Yunqing alone!
Under their shocked eyes, Jun Yunqing clapped his hands and asked with a smile: "I don't know this, is it enough for me to stand beside His Royal Highness?"

In an instant, everyone in the hall seemed to hear two extremely loud popping sounds.

Elder Bai and Bai Yue's complexions turned blue and red for a while, and they couldn't say anything.

Especially Bai Yue, she just felt the burning pain on her face!
(End of this chapter)

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