Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 540 Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Chapter 540 Do you want to be so exaggerated?
Elder Bai stared at the small pile of spirit crystals.

If he can get so many high-quality spirit crystals, no, no, he doesn't need to get all of them. As long as he can get four or five hundred pieces, it will greatly shorten the time for him to break through to the high-level Xuan Emperor!
Only those who have cultivated to Xuandi know that the heaven and earth spiritual energy in the endless star sea has been depleted.

This is why, for thousands of years, no one has broken through Xuanjun.

Because there is not enough spiritual energy in the world to support a Xuan Emperor to break through the shackles and break through the shackles of imprisonment.

When it comes to Emperor Xuan, every breakthrough in a small realm means absorbing a huge amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

In recent years, there are fewer and fewer people who can break through to Xuandi, and there are only a handful of high-ranking Xuandi.

There is such a huge endless star sea, looking at the four heavenly domains, the major forces, and the high-ranking Xuandi combined do not exceed ten thousand people!And this number is still decreasing year by year!

It's all because there is not enough aura in the world!

The breakthrough became more and more difficult. Bai Siren was able to break through to the sixth-rank Xuandi, not only because of his good aptitude, but also because the ancestors of the Bai family would leave a lot of spiritual crystals after their death for thousands of years.

It's just that he is not the only child in the family, so it is impossible to use all the resources on him alone!

Therefore, when he saw this pile of spirit crystals, his eyes turned green!
That doesn't represent money, but his future to the high-ranking Xuandi!

Jun Yunqing naturally took his gaze into his eyes, sneered immediately, and gave this pile of spirit crystals that made Elder Bai so jealous to Son Haori.

Jun Yunqing had already planned this.

Shengzi Haori has helped her so much, she has to show something, doesn't she?

Taking the opportunity of a slap in the face to send it out, let Elder Bai feel envious and jealous!

It's also good for the people of Xihuang Shrine to see clearly, she is not easy to mess with!
Originally, Jun Yunqing didn't want to be so high-profile, but there was no other way!Someone always keeps her low-key!
Jun Yunqing can imagine that if she acquiesces to the humiliation of Bai Yue and Elder Bai today, even if Shengzi Haori protects her, her life in Xihuang Shrine will be difficult!
With Bai Yue's status, there are too many people in Xihuang Jingu who want to please her and target her!Although she is not afraid, she doesn't want to spend all her time on these inexplicable things!
That being the case, how come it is so high-profile!
Seeing that Jun Yunqing gave this pile of spirit crystals to Shengzi Haori without blinking an eye, saying that he thanked him for taking care of the Gu family during this time, Elder Bai looked anxious and angry, and the Sorry!
If I hadn't had trouble with Jun Yunqing just now, with his identity, he must have his share of these spirit crystals, right?

It's okay if he doesn't want to, the more he thinks about it, the more depressed he becomes, the more he thinks about it, the more sick he is, the eyes he looks at Bai Yue are all bad!
If it weren't for her, and I didn't know Yunying, I wouldn't have made such a fuss!

Bai Siren had forgotten this meeting, he was the one who offered to vent his anger on Bai Yue,

"Impossible! How come you have so many spirit crystals!" Bai Yue couldn't accept that she just taunted the other party, but was slapped in the face in turn.

She doesn't care about Jun Yunqing's [-] Yuan Jing, it's not like she doesn't have one!But that spirit crystal!With so many spirit crystals, how could Yunying, a junior Xuanhuang, have them?Bai Yue knows how precious spirit crystals are!
"Of course I don't have any." Jun Yunqing blinked and smiled lightly, "But my master has it! These spirit crystals were given to me by my master when I finished my studies!"

Without hesitation, she pushed the matter to that non-existent master. Anyway, there are many people who know about this matter in Yancheng, and she is not afraid of cheating.

Sure enough, when she said this, Elder Bai immediately remembered that in the information sent earlier, it was true that the second Miss of the Gu family was weak since she was a child, but because of her excellent aptitude, she was valued by a hidden strong man and taken away , only recently came back to look for relatives.

At that time, he didn't take it seriously when he saw it, thinking how strong could a lone strong man be?Dingtian is also a beginner Xuandi, now it seems that the other party is very likely to be a high-rank Xuandi!
In this way, it is not difficult to understand that Yunying has so many crystals on his body.

The hermit strongman probably only accepted her as one disciple, and he was such a genius, so he naturally valued it very much, so he gave her all his savings!
Thinking that there might be a high-level Xuandi standing behind Yunying, some thoughts in Bai Siren's heart quietly dissipated, and afterwards he warned Bai Yue not to go too far!
After all, getting into trouble with a lone high-ranking Xuandi is no small trouble for Xihuang Shrine!

Bai Yue was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Shengzi Haori only thought that the "master" Jun Yunqing mentioned was Bei Mingying, and he didn't find it strange to hear that.

After leaving the hall, he wanted to return the spirit crystal to Jun Yunqing, but the latter refused.

"There's no reason to take back what you gave away!" Seeing that he insisted on returning it, Jun Yunqing pretended to be angry and said, "If you don't want it, you can give it to whoever you want, even Bai Siren, throw it away." That's fine, whatever you want!"

After that, she left in a huff, leaving Shengzi Haori alone in a daze.

It is a big event for the Holy Son to return to the palace, and with Bai Yue, the quasi-sage, the Yancheng Temple has prepared everything very grandly, and the ostentation can almost catch up with the emperor's tour!
The gorgeous chariot that can accommodate four to fifty people is pulled by a seven-level monster that is white all over and has no hairs. The hundreds of half-emperor guards brought by Bai Siren from the Western Wilderness Shrine, are strictly guarding the chariot. Surrounding the two chariots at 50 degrees with no dead ends, the red carpet was spread all the way to the outside of the temple, a full 360 meters!

On both sides of the road, there are people in Yancheng who spontaneously came to see him off, wanting to see the demeanor of the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter.

Ay Ya I gi!

The corners of Jun Yunqing's lips twitched as he watched, don't you want to be so exaggerated!

Haori Shengzi is used to it. Xihuang Shrine preaches that the divine power is supreme and inviolable. Every time he goes on tour, he is so powerful. When he met Jun Yunqing in the Eastern Tianyu, he was already very low-key.

Surrounded by people and boarding the chariot, Haori Shengzi suddenly turned his head when entering the chariot, and stretched out his hand to Jun Yunqing who was not far away.

Following his line of sight, everyone's eyes were fixed on Jun Yunqing, with various meanings.

It is a great honor to walk with the Son of God!On behalf of His Highness the Son, he attaches great importance to this girl!
Bai Yue's eyes were about to burst into flames.

Jun Yunqing was very calm, pretending not to see the eyes of everyone, she directly pulled Gu Xi into the chariot of Shengzi Haori!

Since you want to be high-profile, then be high-profile to the end!
Shengzi Haori wanted to support her, so she just had to bear it!

"Respectfully send off His Royal Highness Son! Your Highness Quasi-Saint!" With everyone in place, the Hall Master of Yancheng Temple led a group of people, kneeling respectfully at the gate of the temple.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness Son! Your Highness Quasi-Saint!"

The people of Yancheng also knelt down and shouted.

Surrounded by these voices, Bai Siren waved his hand, and the convoy drove slowly, all the way out of Yancheng.

 There is one more.

(End of this chapter)

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