Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 573: Gang Beating Old Sluts!

Chapter 573: Gang Beating Old Sluts! (13 more!)

The giant golden net covering the sky disappeared, and the phoenix feather spear in Jun Yunqing's hand swung horizontally, leaping out of the formation, and the tip of the spear protruding from under the wings of the phoenix shone coldly in the sunlight. The Supreme Elder who was outside the formation attacked.

"Fengxiang kill!"

There was a flash of cold light, and the huge Suzaku phantom spread its wings, held a three-color cylinder in its beak, and rushed out with the power of the three elements of water, fire, and earth!

Behind the phantom of Suzaku is the platinum flame spit out by Pippi, swaying in the wind, and quickly flew forward.

If it was just Jun Yunqing's Fengxiang killing, the Supreme Elder would not take it seriously.

He is the strongest Xuandi at the peak, even if Jun Yunqing has the brand of Rage God, suppressing 30.00% of his strength, he still has the strength of a high-ranking Xuandi.

This Fengxiang kill couldn't hurt him, but with the platinum flame that Pipi spit out, it's different!
He saw with his own eyes that it blasted through the huge golden pillars of fire emitted by the nine golden crows, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and directly raised the long sword above his head, and the scorching sun energy from the sky was continuously drawn down.

His profound energy was poured into the sword, and the entire sword body trembled slightly. Layer after layer of heaven and earth spiritual energy was strengthened and condensed around the sword body, and the spewed sword light was almost three feet long!

After the condensed power reached a point of concentration, he swung his long sword suddenly, and the purple long sword, together with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, was slashed down!

"Daylight Sword!"

Dazzling light burst out, and the long sword swung out pulled out a huge cross sword light in the air, spinning rapidly, whizzing and slashing at the Suzaku rushing towards the opposite side!

"Boom!" The sword light pierced the sky, and wherever it passed, layers of space were shattered, and the waves of air swept across the sky like a hurricane on the sea!

With this way of cutting out, the aura wrapped on the cross sword light became thicker and stronger, and the aura became stronger and stronger!
Just when the cross sword glow was about to collide with the Suzaku phantom, a silver figure rose from Jun Yunqing's left wrist.

Ayu's figure grew rapidly, and in mid-air, the vertical pupil on its forehead suddenly opened, and a red light shot out from it, shining on the cross sword glow that was coming quickly!
The cross sword light paused slightly.

The momentum that was originally overwhelming was stagnant.

In just this split second, Suzaku phantom slammed straight into it, the three-color ball exploded, and the power of the three elements of earth, water and fire smashed on the cross sword glow.

And the platinum flame emitted by Pippi also followed closely, smashing it hard.


Amidst the huge explosion, the surging energy frenzy swayed layer by layer, pouring backward and sweeping around like a tide, mighty and mighty, like waves like waves!

Where the three collided, energy ripples twisted, and at this moment, a figure suddenly shot out of it.

Jun Yunqing was wearing a Tianyin battle armor, with a phoenix feather spear in his hand, he directly pulled out a gun flower, and attacked and killed the Supreme Elder.

Behind her, Ayu flicked her long tail, and the thick snake body more than ten feet long sprang forward at an extremely fast speed, the python's mouth opened wide, and it attacked the Supreme Elder in another direction.

Pippi stood on top of its head, holding its horn, and when Ayu opened his mouth to bite it, a mouthful of extremely pure white-golden flame spewed out!
One person and two pets cooperate very well.

The Great Elder Taishang held a long sword, and he had to deal with Pippi's flames and Ayu's bites and entanglement on the one hand, and Jun Yunqing's attack on the other.

"Clang, clang, clang!" The sound of gold and iron striking each other continued, and the Taishang elder became more and more frightened as he fought. Jun Yunqing's actual combat experience was extremely rich, and he was not at all like a young man of her age.

They have one person and two pets, and none of them is a match for the Grand Elder, but when the three are put together, there is a faint sign of suppressing him!

Among them, it was all because of Jun Yunqing!
Every time the Supreme Elder wanted to slash at Ayu, Jun Yunqing could always stop him just right, and at the same time cooperate with Ayu's long tail attack to cut down his attack!

Coupled with Pippi's flames, the Supreme Elder didn't even know the origin of this bird that looked like a parrot and also looked like a crow!
The flames it emits even cultivated the Haori Dao Body to the peak, and I, who is almost no longer afraid of ordinary fire, can't stand it. Once it touches a little bit, I will be burned immediately!
In this case, the more the Grand Elder fights, the more he will be at a disadvantage!

In the end, he forced Jun Yunqing back with one blow, and prepared to deal with Ayu with a Fierce Sword.

At this moment, Jun Yunqing suddenly raised his foot and stomped on the ground, shouting: "Soil thorn!"

Under the Supreme Elder's feet, the power of the earth quickly condensed into spikes, which sprang upwards!

At the same time, Jun Yunqing put away the Phoenix Feather Spear and spread out her hands, and the power of the strings of water and the power of the strings of fire appeared in her hands instantly.

She suddenly clasped her hands together, and suddenly mixed two completely different forces together!
These two forces were originally mutually exclusive, mutually exclusive, and were suddenly brought together. That mixed force was almost about to explode!
Almost as soon as Jun Yunqing felt that he was out of control, he threw this group of power away!
"Water and fire!"

The Supreme Elder never expected that Jun Yunqing could use so many kinds of power. He just avoided Jun Yunqing's earth thrust!Suddenly seeing a mass of power thrown towards him, he raised his sword subconsciously and slashed!
"Boom!" The two forces that had already reached the critical point suddenly exploded under this strike!
The huge sound was like the sky falling apart, and the violent power blasted out. Together with the power of his own chopping, three kinds of power suddenly bombarded the body, and the Supreme Elder was blown out all at once.

"Bang!" He fell heavily to the ground, his whole body in a state of distress, and just as he stood up, five Haori golden arrows shot from behind him impressively, but it was the Haori Son who had already finished the battle joined in.

Five arrows were fired in succession. The Supreme Elder had just suffered a heavy blow. Although he tried his best to dodge, he only dodged three arrows!The remaining two arrows hit his right shoulder and left thigh respectively!
Boom boom boom!
The Supreme Elder was knocked back dozens of steps by the huge force carried by the arrow.

At the same time, taking advantage of her petite stature, the treacherous Pippi quietly flew behind him, and spit out a mouthful of flame!
"Boom!" This blow was solid, not fancy at all, the Taishang Great Elder's vest was burned to a bloody mess, this moment, the blood in his body surged, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood spurted out!

"Kill!" Jun Yunqing's eyes were cold and stern, and a Fengxiang kill followed closely!

The Son of Haori also took up his bow and drew the string again, and the five Haori golden arrows were shot out again!

Pippi's spirit was a little sluggish, but she still opened her mouth and spit out another ball of flames!
Ayu held the python's head high, and a long tail was thrown out like a steel plate, twisting towards the Supreme Elder!
At this moment, the figure of the Supreme Elder suddenly disappeared in place!

"Boom!" The attack of the four fell through!

Looking up, he saw a figure passing by in the air. Jun Yunqing raised his spear and flew after him. Haori Shengzi, Ayu and Pipi followed closely behind.

 Bu Xiaomeng, Luohua, Night Without Dawn, and the four rudder masters of Kongjing rewarded Jiageng. Because of handicap, there are three regular shifts every day. Thank you everyone for always loving and supporting me, and there will be updates later!
(End of this chapter)

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