Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 574 The Secret Under the God of Life Tree

Chapter 574 The Secret Under the God of Life Tree
"Pfft!" At the last blow, the Supreme Elder bit the tip of his tongue and escaped with a secret method. The energy and blood surged continuously, and he couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood in mid-air!

Feeling the aura of Jun Yunqing and others catching up, he gritted his teeth and continued to fly forward.

Jun Yunqing followed behind him, the more he chased, the more strange it became!
The Grand Elder did not go to any other place, but the Divine Tree of Life!
Shouldn't he be fleeing?

Unable to speculate on the thoughts of the Great Elder, Jun Yunqing frowned, and could only choose to see the tricks!

No matter what, she will kill the opponent today!

Otherwise, it would be a big trouble to form a death feud with a peak Xuandi!
How much destructive power can a lone, fearless and fearless Emperor Xuandi take revenge, the result is obvious!
Neither Xihuang Shrine nor Dongfang Tianyu can afford this kind of revenge!

Isn't there an old saying in China before?Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes!

So absolutely don't let him run away!
A group of people chased me and fled, and soon approached the valley where the tree of life was located!

After knocking away the guarding disciples in the valley, the great elder Taishang flew into the valley, his figure swiftly swept, and soon came to the main trunk of the God of Life tree!

Standing somewhere under the Divine Tree of Life, the Supreme Elder had a strange smile on his face, and turned to face Jun Yunqing who was chasing him.

Looking up and looking around, she found that there was nothing wrong, Jun Yunqing frowned and looked at the Supreme Elder, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

Are you making a fool of yourself?
Thinking of Jun Yunqing, he sneered, swiped the Fengyu gun in his hand, and blasted Feng Xiangsha forward with one blow.

At the same time, Shengzi Haori, who arrived immediately after, also shot together with Pippi and Ayu!
Facing the siege of the four people, the smile on the Supreme Elder's face became even weirder.

"Haha!" He stood in the same place, motionless, as if he had gone mad, he raised his head and laughed.

"Boom!" The attacks of the four were suddenly stopped by a green light when they were two meters away from him!
Even the flames that Pippi spit out came back in vain!

what? !

Jun Yunqing and Shengzi Haori were startled, what's going on?

"Haha! You can't hurt me!" The Great Elder Taishang laughed, the laughter was extremely proud and crazy, "As long as I stand here, no matter who it is, can't hurt me! Even if all the people in the Western Wilderness Shrine Come here, attack me together! Impossible!"

This place was accidentally discovered by the Supreme Elder!

The small area just under the God of Life Tree, which can only accommodate three people standing, is protected by the God of Life Tree!Any attack will be transmitted to the tree of life!
He has tried it, even if he uses all his strength, coupled with the sun-shooting bow, he can't break through the defense here!
He didn't tell anyone this secret!

The purpose is to be able to use it just in case!

It's just that he didn't expect that this just in case would come so soon!

He looked at Jun Yunqing and the others with a sneer, and the light in his eyes was vicious: "Don't think that the shrine will be yours in the future! What I can't get, I would rather destroy it! Unless you can keep me here forever ! Otherwise, sooner or later, I will kill you one by one! No one can escape! Haha!"

After gritting his teeth, he raised his head and laughed again.

Hearing this, Jun Yunqing frowned tightly.

Unexpectedly, there is such an absolutely defensive place here in the God of Life Tree!

This is really troublesome!

This old man is hiding in here, he can't kill him while waiting for others, but he can come out to kill him at any time!
Such a time bomb is left in Xihuang Shrine, if it is not resolved, don't think about it in the future!

The most important thing is, unless a few of you are guarding him all the time, if you let him run away, there will be endless troubles in the future!
Thinking about it, Jun Yunqing's face was very serious.

Seeing her expression, the Grand Elder's laughter became even wilder!
"I don't believe that there is an impregnable defense in this world!" Hearing the other party's piercing and insolent laughter, Jun Yunqing's expression turned cold, and she plunged the Phoenix Feather Spear into the ground with a swish.

With a sound of "嗤", like a knife cutting tofu, the body of the gun sank three or four feet deep into the ground. She let go of her hand, took a step forward, her starry eyes were clear, and she waved: "Luo Jia, you guys dodge first!" open."

Shengzi Haori nodded, stepped a little, and retreated with Ayu and Pipi until they were [-] meters away before stopping.

"Hmph, trying to lure me out? Do you think I'm stupid?" The Supreme Elder sneered.

Although at this moment he really wanted to rush out and kill Jun Yunqing, but he knew clearly that the place he was in had been exposed. It may not be possible to return in time!
Jun Yunqing ignored him.

She took two steps back, waved her hand, and Qinglian Mingyinqin appeared in her hand instantly.

Jun Yunqing turned around, sat down cross-legged, pressed his hands on the body of the qin, the sleeves of his robe hung down on both sides, and the crimson clothes were like fire, lining the clean and beautiful green lotus on both sides of the qin body, the green and red complement each other, and the jade fingers are lush, say no It came out beautifully.

"Clang!" Jun Yunqing plucked the strings lightly, his hands danced in an instant, his fingertips were like light and shadows, weaving a piece of flowers like brocade between the strings.

The sound of the piano is lingling, like the quiet sound of the empty valley, and like the singing of a kingfisher, the aura of the surrounding world suddenly boils under Jun Yunqing's playing!

To be precise, it is the spiritual energy of the five elements in the heaven and earth, boiling up!

The Great Elder Taishang still had a sneer on his face at first, and then as the sound of Jun Yunqing's piano spread slowly, the sneer on his face froze on his face, his eyes protruded slightly, staring fixedly at the surrounding Jun Yunqing. Beside him, the seething spiritual energy of heaven and earth shouted involuntarily, " is this possible!"

This is clearly a sign of manipulating the aura of heaven and earth!
But she is only a half emperor!
The Supreme Elder sensed again and again, and was completely sure that Jun Yunqing was indeed only a half-step Xuandi!The connection between the aura on her body and the surrounding world is still very obscure!It failed to integrate with heaven and earth!
Then how can she control the aura of heaven and earth? !This this……

Under the shocked eyes of the Supreme Elder, Jun Yunqing's boiling aura began to separate according to the five elements and take shape.

The power of gold turns into an arrow!
Turn the power of the earth into a luster!
The power of water turns into waves!
The power of fire turns into flames!
The power of wood turns into vines!
Wuxingyin killing array!This Yinsha formation that Jun Yunqing mastered in Xuanhou Realm, the formation with the strongest attack power at that time, showed even stronger power in the hands of her who was already in the Half Emperor Realm!
Under the shocked eyes of the Supreme Elder, the aura of heaven and earth gathered hundreds of meters away, and the aura of the five elements approached him from five directions!
This is not enough!

Jun Yunqing's eyes froze, the power of the strings of earth, fire, and water suddenly gushed out of her hands and poured into the sound of the piano, and the three forces of earth, water and fire among the five elements instantly Soaring!

"Go!" She pressed heavily on the strings with both hands, and the five-element sound killing array was activated instantly, carrying violent and ferocious power, blasting towards the Supreme Elder!
(End of this chapter)

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