Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 599 Goddess Palace, Source of Innate Power

Chapter 599 Goddess Palace, Source of Innate Power
If it wasn't for Yin Mei's naked body and nothing but the three-point armor, Ye Shiba couldn't put the avatar on her body silently, and Jun Yunqing wouldn't have to go through such trouble.

But Ji Mei is a nice person!

This time, I owe her a favor, and when I leave, I will return her a big gift!

"No." Ye Shiba shook his head and said expressionlessly, "I have checked everything, and there is no key that meets the requirements."

"No?" Jun Yunqing was a little disappointed, then frowned.

impossible!With Yin Mei's emphasis on A Ying, the iron chain key is such an important thing, she is most likely to carry it with her in a close-fitting space magic weapon, how could she not have it?

The key is not in her hand at all!

Jun Yunqing's eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought of his guess when he went to see Bei Mingying last night!
If the iron chain was really obtained by Yin Mei from the Temple of the Goddess, then it wouldn't be surprising if the key wasn't in her hands!
It seems that she has to find a way to visit the Temple of the Goddess!
I just don't know, who will the key be?It's impossible for her to turn over the entire Goddess Temple, right?When will it be found?What's more, with her strength, it's not certain whether she can do it!Who knows what's weird in the Goddess Temple!
Thinking about it, Jun Yunqing continued to pace the room, tapping lightly with her right hand on the back of her left hand, frowning slightly.

Suddenly, Ye Shiba spoke: "Ji Mei is going to the Goddess Palace now. Maybe there will be something to gain from following her."

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's go!" Jun Yunqing's eyes lit up when she heard the words, her steps stopped, she turned and walked out.

Leaving Pippi and Ayu in the room, Jun Yunqing turned on the invisibility function of the starlight ring, and came to the gate of Yin Da Commander's Mansion with Ye Shiba, just in time for Yin Mei to go out.

A gauze was covered on the latter's face, which covered most of the bumpy face, but the exposed forehead could still see the large bumps on it, which were bruised and swollen, which was extremely ugly.

Jun Yunqing used ingenuity when hitting, blasting profound energy into each acupuncture point in a planned way and according to certain steps, within a few months, it is impossible to recover!No medicine will work!

Of course, it's another matter if Yin Mei can find a beauty medicine like Seven-color Yuxia Ointment.

It's a pity that even the Nine Layers Palace can only find one bottle of that holy medicine for beauty!
I'm afraid you've never heard of a place like You Clan's!
Yin Mei, who was artificially disfigured by Jun Yunqing, is very irritable at the moment.

After she returned home, she saw how horrible and ugly her face in the mirror was, and she was so angry that she passed away abruptly!After waking up, anyone who dared to stare at her one more time would inevitably be angered, ranging from whipping her skin to pieces, and severely killing her on the spot!

For a moment, the entire Grand Commander's Mansion, no matter the servants, guards, or subordinates of the Yin family, all looked terrified, not even daring to lift their heads.

Even so, the gloom and anger in Yin Mei's heart did not subside!

Because she found that no matter how much medicine she applied on her face, no matter how good the medicine was, the bruising and swelling on her face showed no sign of dissipating.

Yin Mei finally panicked!

As long as she is a woman, there is no one who does not love beauty and her own face!
Yin Mei is no exception!

When she realized that her face might be destroyed, she screamed almost uncontrollably, smashed everything that could be broken in the room, and then hurriedly decided to go to the Goddess Temple for help!
In two more years, she will be married!She couldn't show such an ugly face in front of that man and all the visiting guests!
It was so easy to wash away the other party's memory, she couldn't make him hate her, and let all the plans come to naught!You can't let yourself become the laughing stock of the entire You Clan!
She couldn't imagine being stared at by those mocking, sarcastic eyes, being called ugly!That would make her go crazy and want to kill someone!

Jun Yunqing and Ye Shiba followed Yin Mei all the way, and followed her to the center of Fengdu.

That's where the Temple of the Goddess is located.

The majestic and magnificent hall towers high, built up layer by layer, like a high tower that goes straight to the nine heavens, and the spire of the tower seems to poke straight into the sky and pierce it.

I don't know what kind of stone it is, but under the white light in the sky, it reflects a faint multicolored light, making this high tower hall look very gorgeous and beautiful.

Around the Temple of the Goddess, there is an open area of ​​hundreds of meters, which is isolated from the bustling and noisy Fengdu. The green grass is full of flowers, and it is quiet and safe.

In the outer square of the Goddess Hall, many You people are praying.

The huge goddess statue standing in the center of the square, Jun Yunqing had seen it in many places when he came to You Clan.

In most important cities, such a goddess statue will be erected in the center.

In Fengdu, miniature goddess statues can be seen everywhere, and many people directly set up one in their own courtyards to worship day and night.

The people of the You tribe worship the Temple of the Goddess in awe, and dare not do anything profane.

Almost no one does not believe in the Temple of the Goddess!

Because, the source of talent and strength of the You people comes from the Temple of the Goddess!

Jun Yunqing also accidentally discovered this later.

All along, she thought that the You Clan people's ability to blend into the void anytime and anywhere, and to travel through various spaces was innate!
As a result, on the way to Fengdu, she accidentally saw a You clan woman giving birth on the side of the road, only to find that the newly born You clan baby did not have that kind of black lines on her body!
If it's just like this, she might think that the talent will not be revealed until the You Clan people grow up.

In the end, I heard the baby's parents said that they would take the baby to the Goddess Temple to be baptized and unlock their talents!
Only then did Jun Yunqing know that the innate power of the You Clan people came from the gift of the Goddess Hall!

This is also the reason why the Temple of the Goddess is supreme in the hearts of the You Clan people!

The reason why the You people are so obsessed with the black lines on their bodies, and they are willing to show off their black lines, is not just because they want to show their talent and strength, but more importantly, they believe that the more black lines, the stronger the talent, It means that the more Goddess' favor you get!

All kinds of rumors about the Goddess Hall made Jun Yunqing very afraid of it.

Regardless of whether she believes that there are gods in this world, it is an indisputable fact that the Goddess Palace has created a powerful race like the You Clan!
Perhaps the Youzu people's personal strength is not very strong, but if they use their abilities on the battlefield, it will be a nightmare for the enemy!

Didn't you see that Ah Ying couldn't get out under their siege?With his strength, even if he is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops in the endless star sea, he can leave calmly!There is no such thing as killing to the point of losing your mind!
It's the Youzu people's ability to travel through the void at will, sticking to him like brown sugar, keeping him in the encirclement all the time!

So even if that goddess is not a real god, she must be an existence beyond her reach!
Maybe it's still at the level of a girl holding a piano!

Nature has to be treated with care.

At this time, Yin Mei had already passed through the square and entered the Goddess Hall.

Jun Yunqing walked in right after her, and the moment she stepped through the gate, a sudden change occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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