Chapter 600
The moment Jun Yunqing hid his figure through the starlight ring and stepped into the gate, the statue of the goddess in the hall suddenly emitted a burst of light, which quickly spread around with it as the center of the circle.

Wherever it passed, the space was frozen inch by inch like iron plates, revealing layer by layer.

Almost instantly, that burst of light swept across the entire hall, and the ripples of light even burst out through the gate of the temple.

On the inner and outer squares, one can see the rays of light bursting out of the main hall, as piercing and dazzling as the sun, illuminating everything in every detail!



"His Royal Highness has revealed a miracle!"

Seeing this scene, all the You Clan people were very excited.

Those who were praying thought that their sincerity had touched His Majesty the Goddess, and they performed miracles specially to show their reward. They were so happy that they knelt down and kowtowed desperately, constantly saying various words of praise.

Yin Mei looked in surprise at the light emanating from the goddess statue above the main hall.

She often goes in and out of the goddess hall, but she has never seen the statue of the goddess glowing.

How is this going?

Messy footsteps sounded, and the priests in the Goddess Hall hurried over.

"Someone invaded the temple!"

"Block the hall immediately!"

"Commander Yinmei?" Seeing Yinmei in the hall, although he thought it was unlikely, a priest still frowned and asked, "You were here just now, and you used your innate ability to hide in the void? "

"No." Yin Mei seemed to understand what was going on.

It was someone who hid in the void and wanted to enter the temple, which caused the movement of the goddess statue!
Ordinary You Clan people would not do this, among them...

Before she could conspire, a priest's voice sounded over there, "I found it, it's a child!"

Yin Mei followed the voice of the sacrificial priest, and saw a You Clan child who looked only five or six years old standing there in panic at the entrance of the main hall.

His figure was fixed by the light from the goddess statue, and he appeared from the void. Looking at the priests who surrounded him one by one, his eyes were red, as if he would cry in the next second.

Seeing that it was a child, the faces of the priests softened slightly.

A priest asked: "Little brother, why are you here, where is your lord?"

"At... at home." Glancing at them in fear, the child lowered his head and said.

"Why did you appear here alone? Still secretly hiding in the space?" A priest asked solemnly.

This question cannot be ignored.

The Temple of the Goddess is not a place where you can trespass.

Perhaps frightened by his stern tone, the child flinched, quickly raised his finger and said to Yin Mei, "I... I came with that monster! I... I just want to wonder why it looks like a human Same, do you want to harm Her Highness Goddess!"

Yin Mei's face became uglier the more she listened, especially when she heard the other party call her a monster, and how she looked like a human being, she wished she could eat her with that gaze!

Some of the priests couldn't help laughing. Following the child's fingers, they also noticed Yin Mei's face hidden under the veil. No wonder they were regarded as monsters and followed all the way. This bruised and swollen face Zunrong is really ugly and terrifying.

Yin Mei's complexion was flushed red, her face was already plump and bruised, now the blood color would turn upwards, it would be many times uglier than before.

Many priests couldn't help turning their faces away, and the child seemed to be frightened, and shouted: "The monster has changed its face! It has become a monster! She is going to eat people! Woo... Mom! Wow……"

"Get lost!" Yin Mei yelled out in unbearable rage.

A priest over there has unfreezed the statue of the goddess, the light disappeared, the surrounding space returned to normal, the child was free, slipped away and ran out, crying and yelling at monsters.

From far away, the crying could be heard.

The priests suppressed their laughter and dispersed one after another, leaving Yin Mei standing there with a grim and distorted expression, and it took a long time to recover.

No one knew that the crying child who ran out, after turning a corner where there was no one around, quickly elongated and changed into a handsome man with an expressionless face.

It's night eighteen!
"It's dangerous." Jun Yunqing emerged from the ground beside him, and let out a long breath, "Fortunately, you are here."

She didn't expect that the Goddess Statue could detect the abnormalities in the surrounding space, and thus discovered her hidden in the space for the first time.

Fortunately, Ye Shiba was there, and at the moment when the light of the Goddess Statue burst out, she immediately sank into the ground with the Diyuan Pearl.

Otherwise, it will definitely be discovered this time!
Fortunately, she has been fooled now, otherwise, even if she sank into the ground and escaped, it would arouse the vigilance and suspicion of the entire Goddess Temple, which would be bad!

But thinking of Yin Mei's face and expression just now, Jun Yunqing couldn't help laughing, she never thought that the paralyzed Ye Shiba had such a talent for acting!Yin Mei is probably going to die of anger!Ha ha!

"Yin Mei has already gone to see the elder priest." Ye Shiba reminded her expressionlessly, "What are you going to do now? The entire Temple of the Goddess is shrouded in a formation centered on that statue, and you can enter it invisibly." The method doesn’t work.”

Jun Yunqing frowned upon hearing the words: "Has the entire Goddess Hall been shrouded?"

That can be tricky.

Jun Yunqing originally planned to use the Di Yuanzhu to sneak in from the ground, and just avoid the Goddess Hall.Now the entire Temple of the Goddess is shrouded in formations, doesn't it mean that her invisibility cannot be used?
In this way, it will be troublesome, the Min Yuanzhu can only be used underground, and she still has to rely on herself when it is separated from the ground!
Night Eighteen nodded.

"Go and have a look first! Find the key!" Jun Yunqing gritted his teeth, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "If it really doesn't work, we can only grab it by force!"

It's best if you can get the key quietly, if you can't, grab it!As long as A Ying's shackles are released, a mere You Clan can't stop them!

Just to find the teleportation array that left, I'm afraid it will take a little more effort!Some variables may even occur, which Jun Yunqing does not want to see.

She looked at the Goddess Hall not far away, and frowned slightly.

I don't know why, this Goddess Temple gave her a very weird feeling.

Especially the goddess statue...

Jun Yunqing's eyes flicked to a statue of a goddess standing next to him. It was a very beautiful statue, and it felt as if it had come out of the dust. The white robe seemed to be swept by the wind, and the sleeves fluttered. At first glance, there is a feeling that this is a goddess in the sky.

But such a beautiful statue has no face.

In the entire You Clan, the statues of goddesses and the positions of human faces are all blank!
In other words, after so many years of worship, the people of the You clan actually don't know what the goddess they believe in looks like!

I have to say, this is really unbelievable!
(End of this chapter)

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