Chapter 1000

Chapter 1012

Sure enough, it was Zhongwen's style. He was afraid that he would find it inconvenient to have more guards, so he let people follow him secretly. He didn't know what would happen to him when he went to Dongjun. With them following him, he could have more peace of mind.

It was already two days later when we arrived at Dongjun.

It has only been seven days since Sima Changfeng left Dongjun, but the Sima family has undergone tremendous changes.

All the properties that were originally run by him changed hands within a few days, Sima Mansion became an ancient mansion, he was turned away, shocked and speechless, he was planning to lead people to kill with Rong Yue, at this time a A slender figure hurried over.

It was none other than Ying'er, who had just been adopted as a foster daughter by her mother.

"Brother, you're back." Sima Ying rushed to Sima Changfeng, tears streaming down her face, and seeing Rong Yue beside her, she was crying out of breath.

Sima Changfeng was so anxious that he hurriedly asked, "Ying'er, don't cry, tell me quickly, what happened to our family? Where are your parents?"

Ying'er choked with sobs and shook her head, and said: "Ying'er doesn't know what happened. After you left, big brother, two elders from the clan came to find your mother. It seemed that there was a big quarrel. Two days later, they were gone." Drive my parents and me out."

Sima Changfeng asked anxiously, "Where are the parents now?"

Ying'er hurriedly said: "Mother was driven out penniless. She took Dad and me to the uncle's house in the east of the city. The uncle refused to take us in and kicked us out. It was Liu from Wuxing's Baoxian shop. Uncle took us in, and they are now at Uncle Liu's house, mother is afraid that you won't find us back, so let me wait here, you are back."

"How did this happen? How did this happen?" Sima Changfeng muttered to himself, unable to believe what he heard.

Rong Yue said: "Now is not the time to think about these things, let's hurry to find your parents, only your mother knows the whole story."

"Yes, yes, go to my mother now, let's go!"

Everyone left the gate of Sima Mansion and hid behind the door. The servant who looked through the crack of the door saw them leaving and hurried into the inner courtyard to report.

Wu Xing Baoxian.

The shop was closed today, Ying'er led them around to the side door, the door was ajar, they went straight in, a strong smell of medicine filled the room, and a woman's cough could be heard from time to time.

Uncle Liu was squatting in the patio of the backyard, obviously not very skilled at decocting medicine, the fire was not big, but the smoke was very heavy.

Ying'er does small work, this kind of trouble does not bother her, she hurriedly stepped forward to take the fan from Uncle Liu: "Uncle Liu, let me do it."

Uncle Liu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile, "Okay, come here, you are young, you can do anything."

When Uncle Liu got up, he realized that Sima Changfeng and Chu Yue had also come, and his face brightened, "Are you back?"

Sima Changfeng nodded, his face was heavy, but he still bowed his hands to Uncle Liu: "Thank you Uncle Liu."

Uncle Liu waved his hand: "No need to talk about this, go in and see your parents, your father has been in a coma and your mother is also sick."

Sima Changfeng nodded, feeling a twinge of pain in his heart, and strode in.

Rong Yue said to Uncle Liu: "Uncle Liu is righteous, regardless of previous suspicions, and this junior admires him."

Uncle Liu laughed and said, "Speaking of righteousness, I'm really not righteous. I'm just guilty. Over the years, I've never given him a good face. I even transferred my hatred for him to all the Sima tribe. I am the most careful person in the world, you taught me to look at things with my heart, and taught me what righteousness is, and now, I have no complaints, and I have never been so comfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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