Chapter 999

Chapter 1011

Since ancient times, men are so fickle, how many people can only face one woman in their whole life, and don't have two hearts.

He was very envious that Zheng Zhongwen could have a wife like Chu Yue, and he was also a little jealous, jealous that he met Chu Yue earlier.

The moonlight was cold, and the bonfire and foxes were singing. A few furtive black shadows came out from behind the shadows of the trees, stood in the cold moonlight, and approached them step by step.

The sharp blade looked extraordinarily bright under the light of the fire.

It seemed that this kind of brightness was too abrupt, Rongyue, who was dozing with her eyes down, suddenly opened her eyes, she quickly looked back, and saw those men in black raising their sharp knives towards them.

She reacted very quickly, and picked up a flaming wooden stick and threw it at the black shadows.

Sparks splashed everywhere, igniting the clothes of the two men, and the two men in black hurriedly dropped the weapons in their hands, fell down in the snow and rolled a few times before extinguishing the fire on their bodies.

Sima Changfeng pulled out the sword from his waist and asked angrily, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The leading man in black gave a strange laugh: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to take your dog's life."

"You and I have no enmity, why did you kill me?" Sima Changfeng asked.

The man snorted coldly: "Taking people's money, my wife will eliminate the disaster, I can only count you as unlucky."

"Who bribed you to kill me?" Sima Changfeng was terrified. He devoted himself to doing business in Dongjun, taking care of the family business, including his own secret business. When doing business, he followed the principle of being kind to others and rarely offended anyone. Man, who is going to kill him?
The man in black snorted, "You ask too many questions, go to Lord Yan for advice."

After saying that, the man raised his knife and slashed, his moves were ruthless.

Sima Changfeng had learned kung fu, but it wasn't particularly proficient. He was pretty good at dealing with ordinary gangsters, but facing the real martial arts master in front of him, he was at a disadvantage without using three moves.

He shouted to Chu Yue: "Chu Yue, hurry up and leave me alone." He had no power to protect himself, let alone protect Chu Yue.

How could Rongyue listen to him, not to mention her friend, even if he was a stranger, she would lend a helping hand.

Both she and Bing'er raised their swords and attacked the man in black who was about to attack Sima Changfeng behind him, forcing the man in black to give up the sneak attack on Sima Changfeng, and had to turn around to deal with the onslaught of the two.

At this time, the two men in black who were lying on the ground to put out the fire also joined the battle, and their situation was very critical.

Suddenly, several tall black shadows rushed into the battlefield and quickly joined the battle. One of them shouted: "Protect the princess!"

The martial art skills of the incoming people are extremely high, and the methods are neat. When the cold blade is out of its sheath, hot blood is scattered on the white snow. It doesn't take a moment for those black-clothed killers to be chopped down by the blade.

Seeing that the last black-clothed killer was about to lose his head, Qi Rongyue hurriedly shouted, "Keep alive."

However, the knife was too fast, she finally shouted slowly.

Seeing that the danger was eliminated, the men in black knelt down on one knee in front of Rong Yue: "My subordinate came late to rescue me, and I hope the princess will forgive me."

Rong Yue waved her hand: "It's okay, everyone is fine, get up quickly, who sent you?"

The young man in black said: "Princess Hui, the eighth guard of the Black Cavalry Battalion, Hei Feng, these are brothers from the Black Cavalry Battalion."

"The subordinates and others were ordered by the king to accompany and protect the princess secretly. I will only show up when encountering troubles that the princess cannot solve. Just now, the subordinates were observing in secret and failed to come out to rescue the princess immediately. Please forgive me, Princess."

(End of this chapter)

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