Chapter 998
Chapter 1010

Sima Changfeng hurriedly explained, "I've thought about this too. I planned to bring my father directly to the capital, but the doctor in the mansion didn't suggest that. Let him endure the bumps of the carriage, otherwise the condition may worsen and irreversible damage will be caused by then."

Rong Yue nodded: "The doctor is right, you were right in not bringing him, I will follow you immediately."

Zhongwen was anxious, and hurriedly said: "I will go with you."

She hurriedly shook her head: "No, now half of the Chu Dynasty has been trampled by rebels. There are so many things waiting for you and the emperor to do. You can't leave the capital now. You should stay in the capital and wait for the emperor's orders."

How could Zhongwen be willing, he only wanted to be by her side, and never wanted to live the kind of hard life that he wanted to see but couldn't see.

Rong Yue had a lot of talking and talking, and finally moved out his daughter, so he reluctantly agreed: "Then you promise me that you will return to Beijing immediately after you have done business in Dongjun."

She smiled and nodded: "I see, saving a disease is saving a life. I can't waste any more time. I'm leaving now." She turned to Bing'er and said, "Go get my medicine box. Liang'er is still recuperating. One trip, you follow me."

Bing'er was extremely happy, he had always envied Liang'er, who could walk around with the princess, and now this good thing happened to her, how could he not be happy.

Reluctantly, Zhongwen sent his wife out of the palace, then out of the capital city, and followed her on horseback for ten miles. If he hadn't thought of his daughter in the mansion, he really wanted to keep following her like this, and he hoped nothing would happen again.

Passing through the Snow Pass, the road when Sima Changfeng came was closed due to an avalanche, so they had to take a detour. Because of this, they missed Sutou. Sleeping in the wild on a freezing day is undoubtedly a Very painful.

Sima Changfeng and the coachman picked up a lot of dry firewood, and made an open space in a flat snow field. The four of them sat around the campfire to keep warm and eat something along the way.

In this kind of cold, sleeping in the carriage will only cause frostbite, and the only option is to sit by the fire and suffer.

Sima Changfeng threw two broken branches into the fire, turned his head to look at Chu Yue who looked tired, and said, "The King Side by Side seems to be very kind to you, you must be very affectionate."

She hooked her lips and smiled slightly: "Yes, he is very kind to me. He only has me in his eyes and heart. He never allows me to suffer the slightest grievance. He is very good."

A man who can make a girl like her fall in love with him must be very good.

"The side-by-side king must be a particularly outstanding and powerful man."

She raised her eyebrows: "He is very good, but how do you know?" He didn't seem to know Zhongwen before, and he might have never heard of him.

Sima Changfeng smiled and said, "A man who can make a girl like you give up her heart, how can she not be good, he must be the best."

She shook her head: "Actually, he is not the best, nor is he the best man, but he loves me the most. He is sincere and does not mix anything else. This is what impresses me the most. .”

"There is also fate. The fate between me and him seems to be destined by the heavens. We are destined to be entangled with each other for the rest of our lives and never be separated."

He smiled wryly: "It's such a sentence that we will never be separated. It seems that this kind of feeling is only heard in the words and stories, but never seen in the mouth of the storyteller."

(End of this chapter)

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