Chapter 997 Young Master Sima
Chapter 1009

When he returned to the mansion, he went to see his daughter first. The daughter was still sleeping, her little face was no longer pale, and she was very red. He lowered his head and kissed her face. When he turned his head, he saw Rong Yue sitting under the window. Reading a book, looking up at him from time to time, with a bright smile, his heart is soft like a white cloud, floating floating, this is the life he dreams of, coming home every day, seeing his daughter and wife, he is really happy, Just hope time is quiet.

He walked up to Rong Yue and sat down, and gently wrapped her around her: "You see our daughter is so cute, why not have another one."

Her pretty face flushed, knowing what he meant, she gave him a slight push, and said shamelessly, "It's broad daylight, no one is serious."

Back home yesterday, because Rong Yue insisted on sleeping with Nian Wen, he failed, and today he can't let her go no matter what.

The hands around her slender waist tightened, and she said with a smile: "I don't care, I want you to give me another child, and start planning now."

She patted his restless big hand and said with a smile: "Don't make trouble, the child is here, how about waking up and seeing it later?"

He pulled her up and said, "Let's go back to the room."

I just feel that the blood in my whole body is already boiling, with the beauty beside me, I can't stop being emotional.

At this time Bing'er came in and said to the two of them: "My lord, my concubine, there is a Mr. Sima asking to see you."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned slightly, and thought about it hard, he didn't seem to know what Sima was, and then said, "I don't know, so you can just dismiss it."

But Bing'er looked at Wangfei, and said: "Mr. Sima said that it is Wangfei who he wants to see."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "Someone you know?"

She nodded with a smile: "Yes, I borrowed the qin from Sima's family to defeat the enemy." Then she frowned again, and said: "Brother Sima doesn't look like someone who will come to the capital suddenly, Could it be that something happened at home?"

"You'll know if you go and have a look." He took her hand, walked out of the room quickly, and went to the main hall of the front yard.

Sima Changfeng waited anxiously in the hall, he never thought that he would meet her again so soon, under such circumstances.

The two entered hand in hand, Sima Changfeng was taken aback for a moment, then he looked back at Chu Yue, cupped his hands and said, "I've seen the prince and concubine."

Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile: "Mr. Sima, you are welcome. This fierce battle with the rebels, if not for the help of Baoqin from the Sima family, the consequences would have been unpredictable. On behalf of the common people, I thank you for your generous help."

After saying that, Zheng Zhongwen bowed his hands to Sima Changfeng.

Sima Changfeng immediately returned the salute, waved his hand and said, "Our Sima family is also a member of the Liming people. When we save everyone, we are also saving ourselves. We have a duty to do so."

Seeing Sima Changfeng's anxious face, Rong Yue hurriedly asked, "Is there something urgent for you to come here this time?"

Sima Changfeng nodded: "There is indeed something urgent. Ever since you left, something happened to my father."

Rong Yue hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

"After seeing you off that day, I returned to the mansion and found my father lying in the study, unconscious. These days, we have invited famous doctors all over the place, but none of them could wake him up. That's when I thought of you. Your medical skills are superb, but Why come with me to Dongjun?"

Zheng Zhongwen immediately asked back: "Since you are in a hurry to get medical treatment, why didn't you bring your father to the capital and waste time on the road like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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