Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 996 It is good that she can live

Chapter 996 It is good that she can live
Chapter 1008

After the matter was settled, Zhongwen immediately said goodbye and wanted to leave, Tianqi said dissatisfiedly: "Look at you, you are leaving now, haven't you seen the mountain of memorials piled up on my royal table?"

Zhongwen waved his hand: "I'm not good at doing this, you can ask Min Hengzhi to help you." Speaking of Min Hengzhi, he immediately said: "This guy has always had delusional thoughts about your sister, it won't work if it goes on like this, you wait for a chance to go to his house Lisa woman, let him move on earlier."

Tian Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are too strong. Although Min Hengzhi had delusional thoughts, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary after all. How can I interfere in his marriage? Why don't you just go back home and accompany my sister and read the text?" , I will take them into the palace with me some other day, and I will host a banquet for you."

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "Look, is this still my little fanboy? Turn your elbows out—" He shook his hands and left, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The huge imperial study room became quiet again, Tian Qi sighed and shook his head, sat down behind the imperial table with a face of helplessness, and sighed: "If there is an afterlife, never be born in the emperor's house, it would be great if I could be like brother Zhongwen. Dare to pursue everything you want, not be moved by fame and fortune, dare to love and hate, chic and unrestrained, how wonderful."

As soon as he left the palace, Mrs. Xue rushed up from nowhere, grabbed his arm, and asked anxiously: "My lord, what's the matter? What did the emperor say?"

Zheng Zhongwen told Mrs. Xue the result of his discussion with Tian Qi.

Mrs. Xue looked disappointed. She thought that she could bring her daughter home safely. . .

"Mrs. Xue, Xue Baozhen's escape from death is already a great favor. Don't push yourself too hard. As a family member of a traitor, you should have been executed. Now the emperor granted her extra-judicial grace and allowed her to practice in a nunnery without implicating you. Xue family, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

Seeing that Zhongwen seemed to be really angry, Mrs. Xue shrank her neck, and didn't dare to say anything more. In short, save her life first, and let's talk about the future, it's better than being chopped down with a knife.

"Thank you, my lord, as long as Baozhen is alive, as long as she is alive."

In fact, Madam Xue still resented Zhongwen in her heart. If it wasn't for him, how could her daughter be in the situation she is today. Although her daughter has done something wrong, after all, the source of everything is him, Zheng Zhongwen!
Zheng Zhongwen naturally wouldn't discuss this with her. If Xue Baozhen hadn't been so greedy back then and could have accepted the divorce with a magnanimous attitude, today, she might have formed another good relationship and lived a peaceful life.

"Mrs. Xue, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. Xue Baozhen will be sent to Qingliang Temple by Yulin Wei in person. If you want to see her, you have to wait until she is ordained."

Mrs. Xue nodded again and again: "I understand, I still want to thank the prince."

"Don't thank me, thank the emperor, the emperor is merciful."

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for the emperor's kindness, my Baozhen would die of resentment."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't want to entangle with her anymore, so he bowed his hands to her: "Mrs. Xue, leave."

He turned and walked to his horse, turned on his back, and galloped away.

Mrs. Xue looked at his back for a long time and couldn't move her eyes. With such a handsome man, it's no wonder that her daughter is so obsessed with him. It's a pity, it's a pity that such a good marriage is a pity, and it's a pity that her daughter's life is full of good times.

Thinking that her daughter would be sent to Qingliang Nunnery tomorrow, she immediately went back to the manor to get some valuables, and once they were sent to Qingliang Nunnery, please take good care of her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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