Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 995 Tianqi, you have grown up.

Chapter 995 Tianqi, you have grown up.

Chapter 1007

Zhongwen was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Rong Yue felt that her forehead really didn't hurt at all, she stretched out her hand to touch the wound on her forehead, but only found a smooth patch, she couldn't help but pleasantly said: "Okay?"

Zhongwen nodded: "Okay, it's all over." ' Well there's no trace of it.

Although I knew my daughter had this special ability before, but seeing it with my own eyes today, I still feel very shocked.

Xiao Nianwen yawned: "Mother, I'm so sleepy."

Rongyue hugged the child tightly in her arms with distress. Every time she used this special ability, she would feel sleepy and sleep for several days.

She fell asleep in her mother's arms without even eating two of her favorite candied haws. The older you get, the more capable you become.

I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

The next day, Zhongwen went directly to the imperial study with Tianqi after he came down to court.

"What? What's the matter?" Based on his understanding of his brother-in-law, he wished that he would not even go to court, and stayed in the mansion with his wife and daughter for nothing. Today, he refused to leave after court, obviously he had something to say.

Zhongwen laughed and said, "Why, can't I come if I have nothing to do? Brat, how dare you put on airs in front of your brother-in-law."

Tian Qi was taken aback, how long had he not seen Brother Zhong Wen like this?Since he lost his memory, he no longer has the same intimacy with him as before, and when facing him, he is more respectful.

"Brother Zhongwen, do you remember?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "I remembered, I remembered everything, Tianqi, you have grown up."

Tian Qi's eyes became hot: "Does my sister know?"

He shook his head: "I haven't said it yet, I'm going to give her a surprise, you can't let it slip."

Tian Qi nodded, holding back his tears, and said with a smile: "Well, I promise I won't ruin your good deed."

He sat down at the table, and immediately a maid brought tea, he sighed: "You know Xue Baozhen who was imprisoned in heaven, right?"

Chu Tianqi nodded: "I know, although I haven't seen her, I have heard her name countless times. It's a pity that a well-behaved daughter of the Hou family has ended up like this."

He turned his eyes to Zheng Zhongwen, and said seriously: "Didn't you come to intercede for her? Don't you still have—"

Zhong Wen hurriedly waved his hands: "Don't be suspicious. In my whole life, apart from your sister, when have I ever looked at other women?"

This is true, no matter whether Brother Zhongwen was a child, later, or now, his mind has never changed.

"Then why are you so politely mentioning her?" Tian Qi asked.

Zheng Zhongwen sighed: "It's not Mrs. Xue who ran to my mother and knelt and worshiped, and threatened that if I didn't help her daughter come to you to intercede, she would kneel and die in the Duke's mansion. There is nothing you can do about her." , that’s why I came to discuss with you.”

In fact, they all knew in their hearts that Xue Baozhen followed Luo Xiucheng to the western border for only a few months, and since Luoxiu city returned to the western border, he had never returned to the palace. Xue Baozhen must not have known about the rebellion.

It's just that she has a special status now, so it is reasonable to put her in the prison.

"So, what do you mean?" Tian Qi looked at Zheng Zhongwen.

Zhongwen said: "It is definitely not possible to let her go home. After all, the trouble is serious. It is better to save her life and let her go to the Qingliang nunnery outside the city to shave her hair and practice, and she will be with the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng for the rest of her life."

Tian Qi nodded: "Okay, I will do as you said, and I will release him tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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