Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 994 Baby girl has grown taller

Chapter 994 Baby girl has grown taller

Chapter 1006

Zheng Zhongwen's eyes were slightly hot, and he quickly stepped forward and hugged his daughter into his arms, and kissed her daughter's small face vigorously, just as he wiped away the tears on her face, his own face was also wet.

Not seeing each other for several months, his precious daughter has grown taller and more beautiful, and her voice of calling Daddy seems to have become louder and louder.

"Do you miss Daddy?" His voice was choked up. God knows, God knows how much he missed his precious daughter. When he fell off the cliff, he only had one thought in his mind. Unfortunately, he wants to be by their side, grow old with Rongyue, watch his daughter grow up with his own eyes, and be their most powerful backer.

"Think!" She touched Daddy's face with her chubby little hands, the stubble on his face was very prickly, and she giggled.

Rong Yue stretched out her hand to her: "Wen'er, mother misses you too, mother hugs you."

Wen'er pouted and turned her head away, her eyes were red, she just refused to let Rongyue hug her.

Zhongwen looked curious, his precious daughter was the most clingy in the past, why is she not allowed to be hugged now?

"Good girl, what's wrong with you? Why don't you let your mother hug you?"

In Nianwen's black grape-like eyes, tears streamed down: "Mother, she left me, didn't want me, and she ignored me no matter how I called her."

She still remembers how her mother left in the carriage that day, she always remembers it, and she is very sad.

Rong Yue's eyes were hot, tears rolled down, the most heartache that day was actually good, leaving her own flesh and blood, enduring the pain of lovesickness, that feeling was worse than stabbing her with a knife.

"Wen'er, mother doesn't want you, mother is going to find father, isn't mother helping Wen'er find father back? Are you unhappy, Wen'er?"

After all, the child is a child, she turned her head to look at her mother, blinking those beautiful eyes that were exactly the same as Rongyue's: "Mother, you are really looking for daddy, don't you want me?"

Rong Yue nodded: "Of course, why would Mother not want Wen'er, Mother's favorite person is Wen'er."

After reading the text, she laughed immediately, and she threw herself from her father's arms to her mother's, and kissed her mother's neck: "Wen'er also likes mother the most."

Zhong Wen hurriedly coughed: "Hmph, have you forgotten me?"

Read the text and said hurriedly: "I love Daddy the most, Daddy, didn't you buy me candied haws?"

Zhongwen laughed, and took out two candied haws like a magic trick, and stuffed them into the hands of Lianwen: "How is it, Daddy?" '

Nian Wen was so happy that he twisted his arms around his father's neck and kissed him fiercely on the face, the kiss made saliva flying all over the place, and the whole family couldn't stop laughing.

Nianwen suddenly pointed to the gauze on Niangqin's forehead and asked, "Mianqin, what are you here?"

Rong Yue smiled: "Mother was so happy when she saw your father, she slipped on the road and hurt her forehead, it's okay."

Bing'er on the side said worriedly: "With such a big wound, I'm afraid it will be disfigured."

Zhongwen waved his hand: "It's nothing to leave a scar. In the eyes of this king, the princess is the most beautiful woman in the world, and no one can compare."

The hand that read the text suddenly touched mother's wound, and muttered: "Mother does not hurt, mother will not leave scars, mother will get better soon, there is no pain at all."

Zhongwen saw with his own eyes that Nianwen's hand covering the wound on Rongyue's forehead emitted a burst of white light. After the white light disappeared, the gauze on Rongyue's forehead fell off, and the shocking wound turned smooth and white again.

(End of this chapter)

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