Chapter 993 Save My Treasure
Chapter 1005

Mrs. Zheng sighed, and said: "It's not my sister, I won't help you, it's just that this matter is very important. How can we women and Taoists have the right to discuss things in the court? The emperor decides this matter. If it is my sister, I will , even my master can’t say anything.”

Mrs. Xue shook her head: "Others can't talk, I believe it, but the relationship between the side-by-side king and the emperor is extraordinary, if you say he can't talk, I don't believe it."

Mrs. Zheng frowned, feeling secretly displeased. Didn't Wang Yun mean to embarrass her son?This is treason, and it is not as simple as a crime in the past.

Seeing that Mrs. Zheng was silent, Mrs. Xue plopped and knelt down in front of Mrs. Zheng, "If you don't agree today, I won't get up."

At this time, a servant came over and said to Mrs. Zheng: "Madam, the side-by-side king and concubine are here."

Mrs. Zheng's face brightened, but she thought that Mrs. Xue was still here, so she immediately said to the girl: "Go and tell them that I am meeting guests, and let them come back another day."

The girl responded, turned around to leave, and saw Mrs. Xue immediately got up from the ground and rushed out. Sure enough, she saw Zheng Zhongwen and Chu Yue coming hand in hand on the gravel path outside the courtyard.

She rushed in front of Zheng Zhongwen, knelt down on the gravel road with a plop, bent over and kowtowed on the gravel road, it hurt even hearing it.

"My lord, please save my Baozhen. She is innocent. She doesn't know anything. You also know that she just went to Xijiang not long ago. She has nothing to do with the treason in Luoxiu City."

Zheng Zhongwen was annoyed, but she was not young after all, she was two years older than her own mother, so she couldn't bear it and reached out to help her.

Mrs. Xue refused to get up, and knelt down stubbornly: "If the prince doesn't agree, I won't get up, and kneel here to die."

Rong Yue didn't want to get involved in such a thing, so she turned her head to Zheng Zhongwen and said, "Make up your own mind, I'll pick up the text."

Zhong Wen nodded, seeing Rong Yue walking into the courtyard, he looked away, and said to the kneeling Madam Xue, "I knew today, so why bother?"

Mrs. Xue's face was full of tears, and she choked with sobs: "I know, I know what our Xue family did was wrong. Baozhen is really innocent, you must know it in your heart, don't you?" '

Zhongwen shook his head: "You are still the eldest lady of the Hou's mansion, haven't you heard of the disaster of Dilianzuo? Those who were killed by the nine clans because they committed a catastrophe, are all the members of the nine clans bad? You It should be fortunate that the emperor will not pursue the mistakes of your Xue family."

Mrs. Xue cried: "The emperor is wise and kind. He must also know that Baozhen is innocent. My lord, I beg you, please save her."

At this time Mrs. Zheng also came over. Seeing Wang Yun's appearance, she couldn't bear it in the end. She said to Zhongwen: "Zhongwen, if you enter the palace tomorrow, help her to find out about the emperor. Maybe there is still something wrong." A turning point."

Zheng Zhongwen was a little helpless, there was one kneeling in front of him, and his mother begged for mercy, if he refused to agree, I really don't know if Mrs. Xue would do something stupid.

"Forget it, this king will ask the emperor in private after tomorrow morning, if there is room for change, I will protect her life."

Mrs. Xue was overjoyed, and hurriedly kowtowed to Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen turned around and was admitted to the hospital, and Mrs. Zheng helped her up and sent her out in person.

As soon as she entered the courtyard, Rong Yue came out with her daughter in her arms, Xiao Nianwen saw her father at a glance, immediately wanted to break free from her mother's embrace, and rushed towards her father crying.

(End of this chapter)

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