Chapter 1005 Slander
Chapter 1017

He reached out to snatch the medicine bag from Rongyue's hand, and said angrily: "I think you're here to find fault with me, I won't sell this medicine anymore."

Rong Yue guarded against his move early, dodged it, and said with a smile: "The money is equal to the goods, the money is yours, and the things are mine, what? Are you going to snatch it?"

The shopkeeper said angrily: "I've never seen such an unreasonable person like you. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I have something important to do at home today. It's closing time. Hurry up and leave." As long as she left the pharmacy with her things, Everything after that has nothing to do with him, he can accuse her of slander.

But Rong Yue said leisurely: "Whether you really want to close up or not, you won't be able to leave until this matter is resolved."

The shopkeeper snorted coldly: "Don't try to scare me, I won't follow your tricks, do you know who our boss is?"

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows, "I don't know, who is it?"

The shopkeeper snorted, "Our boss is the sheriff of the Dongjun city, and he has the final say on everything in the Dongjun city. Do you think he will tolerate you if you make trouble here?"

Rong Yue smiled and said: "That's just right, I've already sent someone to invite him, and it's just right that he came."

Sima Changfeng knew it in his heart, it turned out that the third and fifth elders had colluded with the county guard, otherwise, as a county guard, how could he not know about such a big incident in Sima's family?

Now that he has become the owner of this pharmacy again, what does this mean?It shows that he also participated in it and got a lot of benefits.

Sure enough, not long after, Mr. He, the governor of Dongjun City, came in a hurry.

When the shopkeeper saw Mr. He appeared, he rushed up to grab him, and was about to say a few words, but was pushed away by Mr. He.

Master He walked up to Rong Yue, bowed and saluted: "Your Majesty, please see the side-by-side princess."

The shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment, he never imagined that the very ordinary looking young woman in front of him turned out to be the side-by-side princess.

Rong Yue raised her hand: "Excuse me."

Only then did Master He straighten up, and smiled at Rongyue: "I don't know why the princess came from a long distance, why?"

"What? Didn't my people tell you clearly?"

Mr. He glanced inside and outside the shop, and smiled dryly: "The concubine's people only told the subordinates that there are people here who murdered people for money, but when the subordinates came in and took a look, they were very friendly. How could they murder people for money?"

Rong Yue put the medicine bag in her hand on the counter: "This is the medicine that the shopkeeper of your store just grabbed for me. I still suspect that the medicine in it is wrong. You know, my lord, there is only a thin line between medicine and poison. If you are not careful , the medicine will become poisonous, so I want to find out, so that if something happens to my family after taking this medicine, I can’t explain it clearly afterwards, don’t you think so, Mr. He?”

Master He laughed dryly: "What the concubine said is true, what she said is true." He raised his eyes and gave the shopkeeper a look, blaming him for having too big a mouth, saying everything he shouldn't have said.

The shopkeeper shrank his neck, and then winked desperately at Mr. He, signaling that he must not agree to the drug inspection.

Master He didn't understand what he was trying to express, he just wanted to check the medicine, he believed that the shopkeeper would not make mistakes, he must be considered an old pharmacist after all.

"Since Mr. He has no objection, let's start. I'll weigh the medicine, and you and Mr. Sima will supervise, how about it?" She took the delicate small scale on the counter.

The medicines that were weighed at the beginning were not wrong, but later on, the quantities of the key herbs were obviously messed up, there were more and some were less, in short, it was completely different from the dosage written in the prescription.

(End of this chapter)

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