Chapter 1006
Chapter 1018

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at the pale shopkeeper: "Is there anything else to say?"

Seeing Master He's complexion ashen, the shopkeeper hurriedly knelt down in front of Rong Yue: "Princess Rong, Wang Concubine Rong Ren!"

Rong Yue didn't move, and said in a calm voice: "Okay, just talk about it."

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes a few times, and hurriedly said: "It's like this, the little man's mother was ill yesterday, and the little man took care of him all night, but today he was a little out of order, and just fell asleep when he was taking the medicine. , this is-"

Rong Yue shook her head: "You didn't tell the truth, if you really just got sleepy and took the wrong medicine, why did you pay for those insignificant auxiliary medicines, but when it came to these crucial medicines, you made mistakes again and again, hurry up Tell me, did Lord He instruct you to do this?"

Hearing this, Mr. He was so frightened that his legs went limp, and hurriedly said: "The lower official never ordered him to do such a thing, and I ask the concubine to check it out."

The shopkeeper also waved his hands again and again: "No, sir, he didn't instruct the villain to do anything, it was all because of the villain's mistakes, and I asked the princess to forgive me."

Master He was quite frightened. He never thought that the side-by-side princess who had just made great achievements in the capital would appear in this East County.

He also brought the emperor's black cavalry with him. Just now, the black cavalry broke into the sheriff's mansion and showed the emperor's golden order as soon as he met him. He didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

"Grace? I want to give you grace, but you are not telling the truth, so I have no choice but to act according to the law. Someone will take down this shopkeeper and Mr. He together."

Master He turned pale, kowtowed his head twice, and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, I have been wronged. I really don't know about this matter. Please don't kill good people wrongly."

Rong Yue turned her eyes, and her originally cold eyes fell on Mr. He's face, and gradually turned cold like a thorn: "You said I killed a good person unjustly?"

Master He hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, that's not what I mean, I just hope that the princess can thoroughly investigate this matter, and return my innocence."

Rong Yue pointed at the shopkeeper, then at the medicine on the table, and said, "There are all the witnesses and material evidence, how do you want me to investigate?"

Mr. He hurriedly said: "The officials really don't know about this matter, how about if the princess waits for a while and asks the officials to clarify?"

Rong Yue snorted softly: "Then ask, ask quickly, don't delay, I don't have so much time to waste."

Mr. He responded again and again, turned his head and asked the frightened shopkeeper, "Fifth, what's going on with this matter? Please tell me clearly."

Old Five was asked by Mr. He angrily, and immediately came back to his senses. He shivered twice, and said in a trembling voice: "Small, the villain is also confused for a while. The villain really, really didn't mean it. I also ask the adults to help the villain." .”

Mr. He was so anxious, he really wished he could stab this guy with a knife, even if he was stupid, but he also dragged him into the water, if he had known this, he shouldn't have wanted this shop in the first place.

Master He turned his head to Rongyue and said: "Princess Wangfei, look at this matter. In fact, this matter is a mistake made by Lao Wuyi in a daze. Your lord has a lot, so don't argue with him. In this way, I will ask him to kowtow to accompany you." crime."

Rong Yue sneered: "There are too many people scrambling to kowtow to me every day. He is not one of them. He also said just now that the owner of this pharmacy is you, Mr. He. He said that we can't afford to mess with you, so let us immediately Get out of Dongjun, it seems that Mr. He is quite prestigious in this Dongjun city."

Mr. He was sweating profusely, and really wanted to tear the mouth of the fifth child.

(End of this chapter)

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