Chapter 1008 Bully Cancer
Chapter 1020

Sima Changfeng nodded: "That's right, they are old and can't bear such blows one after another. Forget it, I'll just be a man standing behind a woman." He smiled, feeling a little helpless.

Rong Yue re-sorted the medicinal materials on the counter and wrapped them up, and said softly: "Don't think too much, since I am the side-by-side princess and receive a salary of the first rank, I should do what I can for the court. Since I have met them, I will naturally cut off these bullies and cancers for the court, otherwise, how can I have the face to enjoy the imperial salary? How can I confidently call myself the side-by-side princess? How can I be qualified to meet the emperor again?"

"Since I am a citizen of the Chu Dynasty, I am also a member of the emperor's family. I am here to share the emperor's worries."

Sima Changfeng's eyes flickered, and she was radiant in his eyes. In the past, he only knew that she was special, with a special temperament, good-looking eyes, and a different personality from ordinary people. Only now did he realize that the most special thing about her was her heart. She is a woman, but she has the world in her heart.

Standing in front of her, he felt his insignificance and understood how ridiculous his admiration was. How could he be worthy of such a radiant her?
How could he stand beside such a dazzling her?

It turned out that all of this was destined, not that he missed the best time to meet her, but that his and her lives were completely different lives.

As soon as the two left the shop, a fiery red figure suddenly rushed in front of Sima Changfeng: "Sima Changfeng? Are you back?"

"Sima Yue?" Sima Changfeng frowned, but she still had the face to appear in front of him: "You don't accompany your father to enjoy the blessings at my house, what are you doing here?"

Sima Yue's eyes were red, and he choked up and said, "Changfeng, I don't know why things suddenly turned out like this. I persuaded my father, but he didn't listen to me. He seemed to be a different person. I almost didn't recognize him." him."

Sima Changfeng snorted, "This is his true nature. He used to be kind and honest, but he pretended to be seen by others, but now he finally revealed his true nature."

Sima Yue knew that it was useless to say anything now, and his defenses were all weak, so he would not believe her.

She stuffed a bag of silver into Sima Changfeng's hand, turned around and ran away crying.

Rong Yue shook her head and sighed: "Why do you have to be so unfeeling to her, maybe she really doesn't know about this matter."

How could Sima Changfeng not know, just thinking that she was the daughter of that villain, he couldn't give her a good face.

Three days later, Patriarch Sima's health improved greatly and he was able to walk on the ground. He said to his wife and son: "I'm almost recovered, should I go back?"

Madam Sima really couldn't hold back, tears streaming down her face: "Master, we can't go back now."

Patriarch Sima had always been skeptical of what they said, it was just a wound, and he wanted to live in the hospital?Can't the doctor please go home?If you live in the hospital, you can live in the hospital, but why does old man Liu always hang around in front of him?It seems that this clinic is opened by his family.

"What's going on? Tell me the truth, did something happen at home?" Patriarch Sima asked.

Mrs. Sima told the whole story in detail, Patriarch Sima was so angry that he almost gritted his steel teeth, he got up and rushed out.

The mother and son hurriedly stopped him: "Master, where are you going?"

The head of the Sima family said angrily: "Where are you going? Naturally, I will take back everything belonging to my Sima family. Those two wolf-hearted bastards, I must kill them."

(End of this chapter)

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