Chapter 1009 Yaxing
Chapter 1021

Sima Changfeng laid his body in front of his father and said anxiously: "The reason why we didn't tell you is because we are afraid that you will be as impulsive as you are now."

Patriarch Sima roared angrily: "Impulsive? Am I going to sit here and let those two dogs occupy my house, sleep on my bed, and kill my brother while I do nothing?"

Sima Changfeng hurriedly said: "Father, please don't be in a hurry, listen to me, Chu Yue has already ordered Mrs. He, the sheriff, to deal with this matter, let them go dog-eat-dog, today is the deadline, just wait a little longer, maybe it will happen sooner or later." Master Huihe will come."

As soon as Sima Changfeng said this, Mr. He's voice sounded in the courtyard.

"Princess is so elegant!" With a shy face and an incomparably flattering smile, he bowed to the concubine who was reading a book and drinking tea.

Rong Yue didn't raise her eyes to look at him, she just said in a low voice, "How is things going?"

Mr. He hurriedly said: "It's all done, it's all done, look, these are the house deeds, land deeds and land deeds of the Sima family, and the officials have brought them, a lot of them."

Rong Yue asked again: "Where are people?"

"The people are already in prison, you can interrogate them in person at any time, and you can use any punishment you want."

Rong Yue snorted coldly, raised her eyebrows and glanced at Master He, and said in a low voice, "Isn't it your responsibility to interrogate prisoners, Master He? Why? This has become my business?"

Mr. He hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, how could this be your business, the concubine? This is the job of the lower officials. If the lower officials make mistakes, the lower officials make mistakes, don't blame your mother."

Rong Yue didn't bother to pay attention to him, and waved: "They are all inside, you can go by yourself."

Mr. He got the order and ran to the house quickly.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Patriarch Sima's excitement finally calmed down.

After Mr. He handed over all the corresponding contracts, and made various apologies to them, seeing that they were unwilling to talk to him, he left feeling uneasy.

Patriarch Sima looked at the property in his son's hands, his eyes full of disbelief: "You're back now?"

Sima Changfeng nodded, feeling like a dream: "I'm back."

Mrs. Sima was both happy and resentful: "For you, this is coming back, as if nothing happened, but for me, what I have personally experienced is beyond your imagination."

One had been in a coma for several days, and just after waking up to know the truth, the matter had been resolved.

One was far away from home, and when he came back, although the matter was not resolved, it was already safe and sound.

Patriarch Sima came to the courtyard and thanked Rong Yue who was reading: "Princess, I really don't know how to thank you."

Rong Yue hastily put down the book in her hands, and said with a smile: "Patriarch, you are being polite, this is what I should do, if it wasn't for your righteousness and pride first, to give away the family treasures and save the people from the fire and water, so what? There will be a turning point today, this is cause and effect, sow good causes and reap good fruits.”

"Doing good deeds, no matter how big or small, and accumulating virtue, no matter how much."

Patriarch Sima bent down to her and bowed deeply: "You have been taught, the princess is the real kind person. It is a great fortune for the country and the people to have a concubine like you in the Chu Dynasty."

She turned sideways to avoid his bowing ceremony, and said with a smile: "We are each other."

The two looked at each other and smiled, many words were already understood in their hearts without needing to be said.

At this time, a black knight came in and handed a letter to Rong Yue: "Princess, this is a letter sent by the prince."

(End of this chapter)

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