Chapter 1010 Plague outbreak
Chapter 1022

She took the letter and opened it. It was written in her familiar handwriting, but it seemed a little scribbled. It should have been written in a hurry.

The letter said that a large-scale plague broke out in the military camp stationed in Longxi, and my father had already rushed to Longxi to deal with it. He wrote this letter on the way to escort the relief supplies, and he would rush to Longxi immediately after the supplies were escorted to the destination. Let her deal with the affairs of Dongjun as soon as possible, and go to Longxi together to control the epidemic.

She closed the letter with a serious face, and she was very puzzled, there was no war in Longxi, and it was already winter, how could the plague suddenly break out on a large scale?
No one explained why to her, and now the only way to find out how serious the matter is is to go to Longxi as soon as possible to find out.

She said to Bing'er: "Pack up your things immediately, let's go to Longxi."

Sima Changfeng hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Rong Yue said: "A plague broke out in the Longxi army. I have business in this area. My husband asked me to go with him. It's urgent, so I'm going to leave immediately."

Patriarch Sima asked, "Is there anything we can do?"

Rong Yue thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Really there are, you wait, I have written a list, you collect as many herbs as you can according to the list, and send people to the Longxi military camp, I think it is the most expensive place right now. That's all that's missing."

She turned around and entered the room, quickly wrote down a list, and handed it to Patriarch Sima, and said: "You must instruct the person who delivers the medicine to wear a mask when approaching the barracks, and don't talk to anyone casually to avoid infection, but Please rest assured, I will go to Longxi first, and there will be protective measures at that time, so don't worry too much."

Patriarch Sima nodded repeatedly: "I believe in your medical skills. It's a long way to Longxi, so you must be more careful."

"I will pay attention, Uncle Sima, take your leave!" Seeing that Bing'er had already packed her bags, she left immediately.

The plague spread very quickly. To control the plague was undoubtedly a race against time, and she could not lose.


Dongjun is not too far from Longxi, at least it is much closer than Kyoto to Longxi.

Three days later, Rongyue's carriage entered the Longxi territory, and along the way, refugees fleeing with their burdens on their backs could be seen everywhere. It seemed that they all knew the severity of the plague and didn't want to stay in Longxi to wait for death. It was precisely because of this that the plague was terrible. Among these people, does anyone know if anyone has been infected with the plague?They left Longxi to go to other regions, and it is very likely that they will bring plagues to other regions.

When she arrived at the barracks, a burly middle-aged soldier was waiting for her outside the barracks.

She got down from the carriage and said to the officer, "Where is Zheng Guogong?"

The soldier glanced at her with surprise in his eyes, and asked again: "Are you the side-by-side princess?"

She nodded: "I am, take me to see Zheng Guogong." She must first understand the situation in the camp before she can formulate a treatment plan.

The soldiers didn't hesitate any longer when they got the right words, they immediately invited Rong Yue and Bing'er into the barracks, but left the black knight guards outside the barracks.

There was a large tent not far from the entrance of the barracks. The soldiers directly invited her into the tent, but there was no one there. She turned around and was about to ask a question when a cold dagger was placed across her neck.

"Don't move around, be careful not to hurt yourself." The soldier was not fierce, his expression was cold.

Bing'er was captured by another soldier hiding in the dark.

Rong Yue took a deep breath, and said in an extremely steady voice: "Who are you? Why did you do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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