Chapter 1011 Follow me back to court

Chapter 1023

"I asked him to do this." An extremely familiar voice sounded behind her, and she was pushed by the soldiers to turn around, and the tall and thin figure came into view.

She concealed the shock in her heart and tried her best to keep her face calm. How could he be here?He discovered her identity?

"Queen, please stay safe." He tried his best to maintain the excitement in his heart, and finally, she finally returned to his side again.

Her eyes were full of indifference: "Young master, did you deny the wrong person?"

He approached slowly and looked into her eyes, the eyes that would appear in his dreams almost every night.

"I will admit anyone but you, I will not admit my mistake, my queen, enough playing, it's time to follow me back to court."

She gritted her teeth and asked word by word: "The plague here is caused by you?"

He shook his head: "It's not a plague, and I'm not stupid. This is the border between the Zhou and Chu dynasties. Creating a plague here is not good for me. I just let them take some medicine that can make them feel uncomfortable." , and then spread some rumors about the plague, you also know that the rumors are terrible, even if they are false, they can also become true."

"Where is my father-in-law Zheng Guogong?" She asked, deliberately biting the word "father-in-law" extremely hard.

His eyes were slightly condensed, he stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, stared firmly into her eyes, and said word by word: "You remember, your father-in-law is in Zhou Palace, the Supreme King of Zhou Dynasty."

She snorted coldly: "My father-in-law is Duke Yongding of the Chu Dynasty, my husband is the side-by-side king of the Chu Dynasty, and I am Chu Yue."

He shook his head: "No, you are Qi Rongyue, the queen of Zhou Dynasty, my wife of Zhou An."

He slowly let go of her chin, turned around and walked away a few steps, clapped three times: "Bring it in."

As soon as the words fell, two soldiers came in escorting a man wearing a black cloth hood. Just by looking at his body shape, Rong Yue recognized that this man was Zheng Guogong.

"Father!" she exclaimed.

The soldier took off the black cloth cover from his head, and Zheng Guogong, who had closed his eyes, slowly opened them after getting used to the strong light. He saw Rong Yue being held around his neck with a knife, and said anxiously: "Yue'er, what are you doing?" also?"

Zhou An interrupted him, and said coldly: "If you have any farewell words, let's say it now, no matter how late it is, there is no rush."

Rong Yue said angrily: "Zhou An, what do you want?"

Zhou An sneered: "What do I want? I also want to ask what do you want? Am I not good enough for you? Do I love you less than Zheng Zhongwen? Why would you rather die than leave me? Why?"

She stared at his eyebrows and said word by word: "Because Zhongwen is different from you, he will not hurt her just because he loves someone, Bao will do everything to protect her, he is worthy of my love, and you ,not worth it."

His face became very ugly, and he sneered: "Whether it's worth it or not, today, you must go back with me and be your queen, otherwise, I will kill him immediately." He pointed at Zheng Guogong with fierce eyes.

She shook her head: "Zhou An, you have changed. You have become more and more cruel and unscrupulous. Do you think you can really get me by forcing me like this?"

"I don't care, I don't care about anything, as long as I want you, just say something sweet, will you go back with me?" He stared at her, he knew her temperament, she would never care about Zheng Guogong's life or death , she is such a person, for the one she loves, she can give everything, for what she wants to do, she can do everything.

(End of this chapter)

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