Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1012 Cause and effect are all up to her.

Chapter 1012 Cause and effect are all up to her.

Chapter 1024

Knowing that she would agree, he didn't relax until he saw her nodding with his own eyes.

Zheng Guogong shouted: "No, Yue'er, you can't go. If you leave, what will Zhongwen do? What will you do if you read Wen? Don't worry about me. I am old and I have lived enough. If I die, I will die. There is nothing to regret, if you went to Zhou Dynasty with him because of me, how do you want me to face Zhongwen and Nianwen?"

"Yue'er, I beg you, don't promise him, absolutely not."

Zhou An's eyes were full of impatience, and he said to the sergeant beside him, "Block it."

Immediately, a ball of cloth was stuffed into Zheng Guogong's mouth, he couldn't speak anymore, he just kept shaking his head at her.

She smiled bitterly: "Father, this matter started because of me. If you have any troubles because of me, how should I explain to Zhongwen? Father, since he has chased here, he will not let it go. If I don't go , you are not the only one suffering, there are so many soldiers outside, how innocent are they?"

"You tell Zhongwen for me, tell him not to come to me, I will go back by myself, let him love me, wait for me, let alone provoke war between the two countries because of me, I don't want to see innocent deaths again."

Although the war that just ended was not entirely caused by her, she was also partly responsible. If she hadn't met Yuan Dao in Xijiang back then, how could there be the chaos of the magic sound tonight?

If she hadn't taken Zhou An into Rongyu Hall back then, how could there be such a disaster today.

Cause and effect are all up to her.

However, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more, she is most ashamed of Zhong Wen and their daughter.

Zheng Guogong was knocked out and thrown into the tent, while she and Bing'er were escorted into a carriage and embarked on the road back to the Zhou Dynasty.

The carriage traveled only a few miles, Bing'er was driven to another carriage, and Zhou An got into it.

Rong Yue looked at him vigilantly, and said in a deep voice: "This carriage is too small, Your Majesty should go to your own carriage."

Zhou An smiled lightly: "It's okay, this king just likes to sit in a pony carriage with you, so that we can get closer."

She frowned and moved away awkwardly.

He looked at her face and suddenly said, "What did you paint on your face?"

Rong Yue snorted: "I didn't paint anything, I look like this now, if you think it's ugly, you still have a chance to regret it."

He laughed: "Ugly? You will always be the most beautiful in my heart. No one can compare with you. No matter what you look like, I will never despise you."

You don't dislike me, I still dislike you.

She turned her head away and didn't want to talk to him.

"Yue'er, do you know how I've lived these two years?" Although she was close in front of his eyes, he still felt far away, and his heart ached.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

"But I just want you to know." He took a breath and calmed down: "After you left, I almost didn't make it through. I just wanted to go to the underworld and ask you why I was so cruel and wanted to throw you away. Get me down."

"It was Xue'er's child who was born, and his crying woke me up. I am not only myself, I also have an old father and a child, so I can't die yet, and fortunately, fortunately, I didn't die, otherwise , how can there be joy today?"

How did she hear those words so familiarly?
Yuan Dao seemed to have said something similar.

They have one thing in common, they think they love her very much, and they do whatever they want in the name of love.

(End of this chapter)

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