Chapter 1017

Chapter 1029

Yes, he has a lot of lovesickness to tell, but is she willing to listen?
Thinking of this, his steps slowed down, and his relaxed mood began to become heavy again. If he goes to see her now, will she welcome him?Obviously not.

With her nature, if you force her, it will only attract her resentment and disgust ten times and a hundred times more.

His figure stopped at the entrance of the Hall of Mercy, and the room was still brightly lit. He wanted to go in so much. He didn't do anything. It was enough to just look at her and talk to her, but such a small wish didn't seem to be the case. So easily can be achieved.

She is very repulsive to him now, maybe she should be given some time to let her see his affection for her, change her mind, and let her stay willingly.

He wanted her, not only her person, but also her heart.

Zhou An finally turned around and left, returning to his palace to rest.

Hall of Cihe

"Princess, will His Majesty the King of Zhou come tonight?" Bing'er was a little nervous, her master was the concubine side by side, if another man would be lucky in this Zhou dynasty. . .

Rong Yue shook her head: "I don't know, in the past, he would not come, but now, he has changed, he is no longer the Zhou An I used to know."

"Princess, what should I do if he comes?" Bing'er's nervous palms were sweating. The princess has a stubborn temper. If she refuses to submit, she really doesn't know what the consequences will be.

Rong Yue smiled and said: "Silly girl, what are you thinking? Am I the kind of person who has one maid and two husbands? So what if he comes? In this room, there is me without him, and he without me."

"But he is His Majesty the King of Zhou, and we are just prisoners. What can he do if he wants to use force?"

Binger's worry is not unreasonable, Rong Yue was also worried before, but she is still willing to believe that Zhou An will not do things to this extent.

Neither of them dared to sleep, so they took turns to take a nap when they were extremely sleepy, for fear that Zhou An would suddenly barge in.

As a result, Zhou An did not show up all night until dawn.

Seeing that it was dawn, the master and servant fell asleep peacefully, but before sleeping for a while, the loud voice of Chuan Shan's father-in-law sounded outside.

Then, before the meal was brought in, Zhou An stepped in first, saw Rong Yue sitting on the bedside with sleepy eyes in a daze, her heart warmed slightly, and said with a smile: "Have you not slept enough yet?"

As soon as Rong Yue heard his voice, her chaotic mind immediately woke up.

Seeing that she ignored him, he said again: "Even if you haven't slept enough, come over to have breakfast, and you can go to bed after eating."

She still didn't talk, got up and walked to the bathroom, where there was already hot water prepared by the maid, she washed up briefly, but still maintained the state of disguise, and wanted to use this face to scare him.

"If I say no, do you want to stop Jing He Gong's meals again?" She asked.

Zhou An shrugged: "You can try it."

She sat down at the table, took the porridge from Zhou An, quickly scooped a spoonful into her mouth, and after swallowing, she asked, "I want to see Xue'er."

He shook his head: "No, you can only stay here, you can't go anywhere."

"Then you can let Xue'er come here to meet me, isn't that okay?"

He still shook his head: "No."

"Why? Why? Why are you doing this to me?"

He put down the white jade spoon in his hand, looked sideways at her, and said seriously: "Because this king is your husband, and because this king is the master of this palace, there is nothing in this palace that the lord can't do. Remember this a little."

Her hands trembled with anger, and she really wanted to slap him.

But he said: "Eat quickly, you have to remember that people in Jinghe Palace can only eat after you finish eating."

(End of this chapter)

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