Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1018 Cold-blooded and ruthless

Chapter 1018 Cold-blooded and ruthless
Chapter 1030

I haven't seen him for three years, but he has become so cold-blooded and ruthless.

"Zhou An, you are no longer the Zhou An I used to know. The former Zhou An was a warm person, but now Zhou An, he has become cold-blooded, ruthless, and even unreasonable."

Zhou An stared at her face, and anger gradually appeared in his eyes: "Anyone can say that I am cold-blooded and ruthless, but you can't. If I am ruthless to you, how can you sit here safe and sound now? If I am cold-blooded to you , you feigned death and escaped marriage, how can I still abide by the century-old covenant between the Zhou and Chu dynasties? When Luoxiu City attacked the capital, if I also made a mess, what do you think the consequences would be?"

"But I didn't do it, I didn't do anything, it's all because of you, because I still love you deeply, and I still hope that you can come back to me, that's all."

She sneered: "Didn't do anything? You sneaked into the military camp to poison and spread rumors of a plague, causing the people in Longxi to flee one after another. How many refugees will be displaced and how many people will die of starvation and disease on the way? Haven't you done enough?" ?”

"This is all for you. As long as you stay by my side obediently, I can do nothing. If you can't do it, don't blame me for resorting to more cruel methods." The eunuch ordered: "After the queen finishes eating, pass on the meal to Jing Hegong, and every meal will be the same from now on."

The eunuch hurriedly responded, feeling aggrieved for the little girl from Jinghe Palace.

Rong Yue took a deep breath, calmed down, quickly finished the porridge in front of her, then turned her eyes to the eunuch and said, "Can I pass on the meal to Jing He Gong?"

The eunuch hurriedly responded, and ordered the people to quickly collect the dishes and leave.

Not easy to provoke, not easy to provoke anyone, he can't afford to provoke, he can hide.

Sishi, Zhou An reappeared in the Hall of Cihe.

"Don't you want to go out, let's go."

She looked suspicious and wary, "Where are you going?"

"Take you to the Imperial Garden for a walk, why? Don't want to go?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I'll go." Of course she wanted to go, she didn't go out much, how could she create a chance to escape?Besides, a place like the Royal Garden is the most suitable place to meet concubines by chance. If Zhou An doesn't let her have a good time, she can't make Zhou An have a good time either.

She still wears a fake face, wears a simple bun, and wears elegant clothes, completely different from other concubines in the palace.

She is still the same as before, she hasn't changed at all.

He reached out to hold her hand, but she pulled it back violently.

He laughed, it really didn't change at all.

He doesn't force it, take his time, the human heart is made of flesh and it will always change.

The two came to the imperial garden, followed by twenty masters, all of them looked alert.

She glanced sideways, glanced at those masters, and said softly: "You usually go to the garden with other concubines, and you bring so many guards?"

He shook his head: "I never go to the garden with other women."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells in front of him. Looking up, two bright wind shadows came into view.

"Who's in front?" Zhou An frowned, the two women looked familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

The eunuch hurriedly said, "That's Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren."

"Let them go, don't get in the way here." Before Zhou An finished his words, the two flamboyant women spotted Zhou An's figure, rushed over excitedly, and greeted Zhou Anfu.

"My concubine sees Your Majesty!"

Zhou An waved his hand: "Stay flat, step back."

Wanmei straightened up, stared at Zhou An with beautiful eyes, and said softly: "Your Majesty, it is rare for me to meet Your Majesty here. I hope Your Majesty will travel with me."

 Chapter 16 has been updated, and the next update will be in the early morning of NO.[-]. Recently, I have been in a hurry to write the manuscript. I don’t have time to go back and revise the manuscript. There must be typos and omissions. ,thank you all.

  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, and say important things three times~~
(End of this chapter)

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