Chapter 1019 Met a False Majesty?

Chapter 1031

Zhou An didn't seem to see the beauty, his eyes were still cold, and he was about to refuse, but he heard Rong Yue beside him say: "Okay, okay, let's go together, I'm feeling bored, there are two younger sisters talking with me, It could not be better."

Zhou An's face was suspicious, he knew that Rong Yue was not a lively person, and would not like scheming whores like Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren, she deliberately wanted to keep them, what was she trying to do?
Without hesitation, he nodded immediately: "Alright, you can stay and talk to the queen." No matter what she wants to play, he will accompany her to the end, heh—as long as she is happy.

"Queen?" Wanmei was stunned for a moment, looking in surprise at the extremely ordinary woman in front of her, but standing beside His Majesty, enjoying His Majesty's gentle treatment to herself.

There is suddenly an extra queen in the harem, why don't they know?Never heard of it!

Beauty Qian also had a masked face, but she was smarter than Lady Wanmei. She didn't say anything, but looked respectful. In this palace, who is the queen, who is the concubine, and who is the beauty? Is it about words?
Wanmei, on the other hand, was straightforward, she was puzzled, she couldn't vomit: "When did the queen enter the palace? How come the concubines don't know about it?"

Zhou An's face turned cold: "What? When will my queen enter the palace, and I still need to report to you?"

Wanmei immediately knelt down: "No, no, my concubine didn't mean that, please calm your majesty."

"Hmph, pay attention to your words, don't try what you shouldn't say or do, you may not be able to bear the consequences." He coldly retracted his eyes, and said to Rongyue beside him: "The red plum blossoms over there are blooming." Just right, go and see?" The two sentences were said one after the other, only two breaths apart, but the tone was completely different, the former sentence was cold and tough, and the latter sentence was gentle like water.

Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren couldn't help being startled, could it be that what they met was a fake His Majesty?When has His Majesty been so gentle with others?

Rong Yue ignored Zhou An, and instead said to Wanmeiren and Qianmei: "You two sisters, get up, Your Majesty is joking with you, don't listen to his nonsense."

The two were even more surprised, how dare she refute His Majesty face to face?

The eyes of the two fell on His Majesty one after another, and seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, they seemed to have no objection to the words of the 'queen' at all.

And when looking at the 'queen', the eyes are so gentle that water can overflow.

Could it be that His Majesty has been indifferent to the harem all these years and dislikes women because he likes this kind of ordinary-looking woman?

Zhou An reached out and clasped Rong Yue's wrist with great strength, pulling her forcefully towards Hongmeilin not far away.

Rong Yue was dragged away by him, and she didn't forget to turn her head to Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren and said: "You two sisters, come together."

It's winter now, and even the imperial gardens are often withered. Compared with the imperial gardens of the Chu Dynasty, the imperial gardens of the Chu Palace are still colorful even in winter.

Because the queen mother likes flowers, the father invited the best craftsmen to take care of the garden.

After Chu Lian took power, his daughter also liked flowers very much, so the imperial garden was still well maintained.

Now that Tianqi is in power, in order to make Nianwen like the palace, he is often willing to play, and he also spent a lot of thought in the imperial garden.

Therefore, to see if a person really has love in his heart, look at his garden, his backyard. If there is love in his heart, then this small world must be colorful.

(End of this chapter)

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