Chapter 1020 Withering
Chapter 1032

Rather than withering like the imperial garden in Zhou Palace.

It seems that Zhou An's life is gloomy and desolate.

Meilin seems to be the only beauty in this imperial garden, no wonder no other concubines are willing to come to this garden for a chance encounter except for Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren who are dedicated to pampering them.

Zhou An didn't think there was anything wrong with this imperial garden before, but today he accompanied Rong Yue to the garden and realized that there was really nothing to visit here except the plum forest. When he turned around, he saw Rong Yue standing in a bare By the side of the flowers, there is displeasure in my heart.

Her Rongyue should have stood in a place full of flowers.

He walked into the plum forest, picked two red plums that were in full bloom, and returned, and handed them to Rong Yue: "Does it look good?"

She smiled lightly, took a serious look, and then handed two red plums to the hands of Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren: "This flower is very beautiful, and it complements you two beauties."

The two were flattered and hurried to thank them.

This is the red plum that His Majesty personally folded!

Seeing this, Zhou An frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. He turned around and entered the plum grove again, picked up a few more red plums, and stuffed them into her hands: "Take it."

She still caught it with a faint smile, turned around and stuffed them into the hands of Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren respectively, and said with a smile: "It just happens to make a bunch and put it in a vase, it must be very beautiful."

Seeing this, Zhou An took a deep breath and entered Merlin again.

Rong Yue's eyes fell on the palace wall deep in the plum grove, her eyes were slightly focused, and she said with a smile: "This plum grove doesn't look that big, it's the palace wall over there, and there aren't many plum trees in total. "

The beautiful woman at the side immediately answered after hearing the words: "That's right, there is also a garden on the other side of the palace wall, and there are some trees that never bloom and bear fruit. I don't know what it is, and they have divided half of the plum garden. Territory."

Rong Yue asked again: "Some strange things are planted? Who planted them?"

Wanmei smiled and said, "This entire palace belongs to His Majesty, who else is there besides His Majesty?"

Rong Yue made a dazed look, and said with a smile: "That's right, but what are you planting these strange things for? Isn't he afraid that these strange things will affect the nearby palace?"

Wanmei shook her head: "No, the outside of the palace wall in the garden over there is outside the palace, and there is no other palace around."

Rong Yue was overjoyed, her complexion pale, she smiled lightly: "So that's how it is."

At this time, Zhou An came back with another large bunch of plum blossoms, which was more than the sum of the previous two times. He stuffed the plum blossoms into Rongyue's hands, and looked coldly across Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren: "Your Is it enough? Not enough for this king to fold for you again."

Both Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren were frightened by his eyes, and ordered to wave their hands: "Enough is enough, thank you Your Majesty."

"Since it's enough, why do you stay? Why don't you leave?" Zhou An's eyes became colder. Are these two women really ignorant or pretending to be ignorant?I have been sticking here, and I don't know what to think.

Rong Yue glanced at Zhou An, and said in a cold voice: "Why are you being so fierce to them? I left them behind, and you are so fierce, are you doing it for me? Why don't I go with them."

She took the opportunity to leave, but was grabbed by Zhou An: "How dare you?"

No matter how stupid Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren are, they can see that something is wrong between them. The 'Queen' seems to be trying to compete with His Majesty on purpose, but His Majesty seems to have nothing to do with her. . .

This is really fresh, and at the same time, the two of them are also jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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