Chapter 1021 Escape
Chapter 1033

They have been in the palace for two full years, and they can count the days of seeing His Majesty with two hands, not to mention the gentle eyes and the extremely pampering behavior, even if they have not given them one more look.

They are young and elegant, and they are unwilling to wither and grow old in this lonely and deep palace, so even though it is cold and freezing, they still wander in this garden with a glimmer of hope, hoping to 'encounter' His Majesty and enter his Blue eyes, he loves him.

Hey, how can things go as one wishes?
But after the two returned, the women in the harem soon knew one thing. There was finally a queen in the harem, a queen who seemed to have fallen from the sky, appeared very abruptly, but was favored by His Majesty.

"I don't think there's anything good to visit in this garden, let's go back." She wanted to escape from him.

But he refused, and held her wrist tightly: "This king thinks this garden is very good, and I can take a stroll." If you want to escape, there is no way.

"I'm tired and want to go back to rest."

The weather was very cold, but compared to standing by his side, she felt that the weather was already very warm.

"Really? I think you are in good spirits, let's go." He forced her to walk forward, through the path paved with bluestone, through the green bamboo forest with faint green leaves, and sat in the octagonal pavilion that was ventilated on all sides. Finally let go of her hand.

She rubbed her sore wrist from his scratch, her brows furrowed.

"Does it hurt?" Seeing her rubbing her wrist, he hurriedly wanted to take her hand to check, but she quickly turned to avoid it: "It's okay, this little pain is nothing." When Yuan Dao imprisoned her, the kind of pain was not survived?
He looked at her profile, and suddenly asked, "Why do you still wear a mask to show people?"

"I'm happy, I like me the way I am now." She didn't look at him.

"Take it off tomorrow." He said lightly, his voice was still gentle, but there was a firmness that could not be refused.

"My own face, can't I decide for myself?" She asked back.

He hooked his lips into a smile, put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at her sideways, with serious eyes: "Of course you can, but if this is the case, the person from Jinghe Palace should like snow very much, and I don't know this kind of weather. Staying in this garden all day, won't it be cold?"

"You? You are shameless." She was very angry. "How can you threaten me with Xue'er again and again? She is your concubine who gave birth to a child for you. She is the mother of your own son. If you do this, won't you be afraid that your son will resent you and hate you in the future?"

He smiled lightly, with a calm expression on his face: "I said before, I don't care about anyone except you. You can try to see if I can keep my word."

She clenched her fists and said nothing, silently drank a cup of tea in front of her, and got up: "Now I have visited the garden and finished drinking the tea, can I go?"

He also got up: "I will accompany you."

Can she tell you to go away?
In the Hall of Mercy, Bing'er breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her master had returned safely, and hurriedly stepped forward to take off her cloak, and handed her a warm hand stove: "Princess, are you cold?" Seeing her, she seemed to be in a bad mood.

Hearing this, Zhou An turned around to look at Bing'er, and said word by word: "My king hopes that this is the last time I hear you call her a princess. Remember, she is my queen. There will be another time, don't let me be so happy." Blame this king for being cruel and merciless."

Bing'er's body trembled, and she quickly knelt down on the ground: "I know my mistake."

Zhou An was originally in a good mood, but because of this sentence, his fiery heart immediately turned cold. He thought of Zheng Zhongwen, that guy, who dared to marry his queen and have a child behind his back, he deserved to die.

(End of this chapter)

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