Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1022 How is the emperor treating the queen?

Chapter 1022 How is the emperor treating the queen?
Chapter 1034

Rong Yue helped Bing'er up, turned to Zhou An and said, "I'm going to sleep, you can go."

Zhou An didn't say any more, just told her to eat on time, then turned and left.

Bing'er was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time. This king of Zhou, who was so ruthless, was really like a rakshasa from hell.

Rong Yue patted her on the back, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, with me here, he won't do anything to you. Be more careful when you speak in the future." Can be cruel and ruthless to anyone.

If Binger makes him unhappy again, it is hard to guarantee that he will not really attack Binger.


Jinghe Palace

"Your Majesty, the news this time is true. The emperor really secretly named a queen, and now she lives in the Hall of Mercy and Harmony."

Concubine Xue was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear: "What you said is true?"

Ling'er nodded: "It's absolutely true, this is what Wanmei said in person, she and Qianmei met the emperor and queen in the imperial garden today."

Concubine Xue was stunned for a while, then asked again: "How is the emperor treating the queen?"

Ling'er said: "According to Miss Wanmei, it's excellent. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's definitely true to have a queen."

She smiled wryly: "There should be a queen in our palace." She knew that sooner or later there would be a queen in this palace, and she also knew that this queen would definitely not be herself, after all, based on her background and her indifferent relationship with Zhou An Like water, it can even be said that she has no affection at all, no matter how hard she is, she can't get her turn.

She was able to keep her son by her side all the time, probably because of her sister. Zhou An cared about the relationship between her and her sister at the beginning, and never felt sorry for her, acquiescing to her illegally keeping her son by her side.

Now that there is a queen, is her Jiao Er going to leave her?

The royal palace has the rules of the royal palace, concubines are not qualified to raise princes, except that His Majesty is especially fond of them, or the queen already has heirs, and she doesn't want to worry about other people's children.

When the new queen enters the palace, they will not be able to have their own child for a while, and her child will leave her side as long as she says a word.

Thinking of this, her heart hurt as if being stabbed by a knife, and she hugged her son tightly, praying secretly in her heart, hoping that this day would never come.

She can endure not being loved by the man she loves, but she cannot bear the pain of losing her own flesh and blood.

Seeing this, Ling'er hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't think too much. Although His Majesty has been lukewarm to you these past few years, he has always acquiesced in allowing you to bring the prince with you. Now the prince is two years old. He didn't ask for it before. Leaving the prince, even more so now."

"Really? He really won't take my child away?" She was a little emotional, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Ling'er hurriedly said: "Of course it is true. I heard that His Majesty was raised by his mother and concubine. He must understand your feelings and will never let you and the prince be separated."

Xue'er wiped away the tears that just overflowed from her face, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, it must be like this."

However, in the evening, Zhou An came to Jinghe Palace.

Xue'er came out with the child to meet her, feeling happy and uneasy at the same time.

"Get up." His voice was flat, as always.

Xue'er got up and looked up at Zhou An in front of her. She was tall, thin, and her eyes were cold and sharp.

His gaze seemed to be on Jiao Er.

There was a trace of uneasiness in her heart, and she forced herself to laugh: "Is Your Majesty here to see Jiao Er?"

Zhou An nodded: "This king wants to take him to a place."

(End of this chapter)

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