Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1023 Jiao Er misses his concubine mother

Chapter 1023 Jiao Er misses his concubine mother

Chapter 1035

Her heart trembled, and she hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

Zhou An glanced at her coldly: "Where do I need to tell you?"

She shook her head quickly: "No, that's not what Chen Qie meant, it's just that Jiao Er is still young, Chen Qie—"

Zhou An interrupted her: "He is also the son of this king. Could this king be against him? What are you worrying about?"

"Yes, I know I was wrong." She swallowed her tears, lowered her head and said to Jiao Er: "Jiao Er, go to father's place quickly, father will take you to eat delicious food."

Jiao Er shook her head: "No, I want to eat with my mother and concubine."

Zhou An frowned, turned his head and said to the eunuch beside him, "What are you still doing?"

The eunuch hurried forward and hugged Jiao Er who was beside Concubine Xue, and Jiao Er immediately started crying, with a pair of small hands constantly opening to Concubine Xue, wanting to return to her mother's embrace.

Concubine Xue's tears couldn't be stopped any longer, and fell down, but she didn't dare to cry out, she covered her mouth and leaned against the door, watching her son's small figure gradually disappearing in front of her eyes.

Hall of Cihe

Rong Yue, who was in a daze in the room, heard the cry of a child, and hurried out, and saw the eunuch behind Zhou An holding a little boy in his arms, crying out of breath, with red eyes, full of tears. Tears on the face.There is a bit of Cher's shadow.

She frowned, and hurried forward, took the child from the eunuch's arms, and took the handkerchief to wipe his tears: "Jiao Er, don't cry, Jiao Er, my aunt has something delicious for you."

Jiao Er stopped crying, looked at the face in front of her sobbingly, and whispered: "Jiao Er misses his concubine mother, Jiao Er misses concubine mother."

While calming the child's emotions, she was angry

That small face was exactly the same as Zhou An's, and he stared at Zhou An with eyes wide open: "What are you doing? The child is still young, how can you leave your mother?"

Zhou An looked indifferent: "You are also his mother, and it's the same with you." How much he wished that he could have a child belonging to them, just like now, she hugged the child and quarreled with him in the courtyard, Like a real couple, a real couple.

"Let him have dinner here, and send him back after eating." Zhou An said.

Rong Yue glanced at him, said nothing, and carried the child into the house.

Her daughter is as old as Jiao Er, and she brought her up with one hand. She knows how to tease the child, and she gets to know Jiao Er after a while. Jiao Er seems to like her very much, and she no longer cries, and is willing to let her hug However, they were still afraid of Zhou An who was following them all the time.

After passing the meal, Rong Yue took Jiao Er to sit at the dining table, carefully asked what Jiao Er likes to eat, and she put all the things Jiao Er likes to eat in front of him.

Jiao Er seems to like eating shrimp very much, he will eat as much as Rongyue peels.

Zhou An was a little jealous of his son, how nice he was, he could get her care and love, he reached out, grabbed the freshly peeled shrimp from the plate in front of his son, and quickly threw it into his mouth, "Well, that's great eat."

Jiao Er pursed her lips and looked at Rong Yue with aggrieved eyes.

Rong Yue smiled and said: "Jiao Er, good boy, your father has been busy with government affairs all day, he didn't eat anything all day, he was so hungry, he saw that Jiao Er likes to eat this shrimp, and wanted to try it too, he didn't mean to rob you food."

Jiao Er stopped crying, thought for a while, then pointed to another dish in front of him and said, "Father, eat."

Zhou An was taken aback, this seemed to be the first time Jiao Er called him father, maybe he called him before, but he didn't know and didn't remember.

(End of this chapter)

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