Chapter 1024 Alone

Chapter 1036

Rong Yue asked Jiao Er, "Does Jiao Er like shrimp so much?"

Jiao Er nodded: "I like it, it's so delicious, my concubine won't let Jiao Er eat it."

"Oh? Why don't you let Jiao Er eat shrimp?" Jiao Er shook his head, "I don't know."

She smiled, and didn't take the child's words too seriously, she just said that Xue'er herself didn't like it, so she didn't let the child eat it.

It took a full hour to eat a meal, but Zhou An still couldn't get enough of it. Sure enough, this trick worked well. With a child around, she seemed to eat well, and she talked a lot, so she wouldn't target him everywhere.

He asked, "What's the matter with your face? Didn't I tell you to take it off?"

"Didn't you say tomorrow? It's not tomorrow yet." She picked up the child and walked out: "I'll take him back."

Zhou An winked at the eunuch at the side, and the eunuch understood immediately, and rushed forward to take the child from her arms: "You don't need to trouble the queen, just go as a slave."

She knew it, she gritted her teeth, held back her anger, forced a smile, and said to Jiao Er: "Does Jiao Er like Auntie?"

Jiao Er nodded: "Yes, Auntie, can Jiao Er come again tomorrow?"

Before she could answer, Zhou An said, "Of course, I can come every day from now on, but remember, don't call her aunt, call her queen mother."

Jiao Er was most afraid of Zhou An, how dare he disobey his words, immediately nodded: "Understood, father." Then he said to Rong Yue: "Mother's queen."

The child is only a little over two years old, but he is already so sensible. It seems that Xueer has worked hard on him. What a good child, it is a pity to have such a father.

She watched Jiao Er leave, thinking of her daughter, who must be missing her mother just like Jiao Er.

With tears welling up, she turned and walked away.

Zhou An has been staring at her, seeing her downcast, the sudden sadness in her, and the deep concern in her eyes.

Do you hurt too?You cruel woman, who is the concern in your eyes because of?your child?Or Zheng Zhongwen?
His face was calm, but his heart was already surging like a sea of ​​anger. He knew that he couldn't stay any longer, and if he stayed, he might do something that would hurt her.

Jinghe Palace

Xuefu has been sitting at the dining table wiping her tears. Normally, Jiao Er eats with her, but today she is left alone. I don't know where Jiao Er was taken by Zhou An, and I don't know if he has eaten now.

"Young lady, didn't your majesty tell you that it will be sent back later, so don't be sad."

How can Xue'er not be sad, she is a mother, but she can't even protect her own child, she can only watch him being taken away, but she can't do anything.

Hate it, she hates her current status.

There were hurried footsteps outside, she got up quickly and rushed to the door: "Is Jiao Er back?"

"Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine!" Jiao Er's voice came from outside, she was overjoyed, she rushed out and took her son from the eunuch's hand.

"Jiao Er, are you okay? Have you eaten yet?"

Jiao Er nodded: "Eat, I'm very full." Seeing that her son is fine, there is still liking in his eyes, and he is no longer crying like before, she is relieved.

He looked behind the eunuch again, except for the two young eunuchs following him, there was no one else.

The eunuch hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the Emperor still has something to do, and if he didn't come over, Xiao Nu will also leave first."

Xueer nodded: "Okay, you can go."

After waiting for the people to leave, she hurried into the house with the child in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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