Chapter 1026 A sudden illness
Chapter 1038

Rong Yue was terrified. Why did the child, who was fine just now, suddenly develop an illness?

She rushed to the gate of the palace and wanted to go out, but was stopped by the guards: "My queen, your majesty has a decree, please don't leave the palace without your majesty's company."

Rong Yue said angrily: "Didn't you hear just now? Prince Jiao has an emergency and needs to be treated immediately. If something happens, can you take care of it?"

The guards looked at each other, feeling troubled in their hearts, but they didn't dare to disobey their will.

Rong Yue said anxiously: "Okay, I won't go out, you go and bring Prince Jiao here, go quickly."

The guard pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, why don't you let your maid go to the Royal Palace to report to His Majesty, and His Majesty will make the decision."

Now there is no other way, she said to Binger: "You go with her, hurry up."

Bing'er got the order to help Ling'er who was kneeling on the ground, and the two of them rushed to the palace, but they were stopped by the guards outside the palace, and they were not allowed to go in at all. Fortunately, the eunuch next to His Majesty came out and recognized Bing'er, He stepped forward to ask about the situation, and immediately went in to report the situation.

After a while, Zhou An hurried out and rushed to Jinghe Palace.

The courtiers of Jinghe Palace gathered in the courtyard one after another, and Xueer's heart-piercing cries came from the palace, it seemed that the situation was not very good.

He strode in and quickly came to Xue'er, and saw the child lying in Xue'er's arms with a gray face, his breath was weak, and he was in a very bad condition.

"Jiao Er, my Jiao Er, wake up, wake up!" She cried out of breath, "Jiao Er, you can't leave mother concubine, mother concubine has nothing, just Only you, only you!"

Zhou An stretched out his hand to hug the child from her arms, and said in a deep voice, "Go to the Hall of Mercy."

Now, only Rong Yue can save him.

Supported by Binger and Linger, Xueer hurriedly followed Zhou An to the Hall of Mercy.

In the Hall of Mercy, Rong Yue turned around anxiously, she remembered what Jiao Er said when he ate shrimp, he said that he likes to eat shrimp, but the mother concubine would not let him eat it.

Could this sudden emergency have something to do with shrimp?
Some children are very repulsed to certain foods due to the root causes of diseases in their mothers. They must not be contaminated, otherwise they will be in danger of life. She once treated a child who was poisoned by eating peanuts. The child was only three years old. It was the first time he ate peanuts, and it was also the last time he ate peanuts. His family sent them too late, and he died without being rescued.

The sound of messy footsteps came in from outside, and Zhou An's tall figure quickly appeared in front of her. He frowned, holding the unconscious Jiao Er in his arms, with a tense expression. Even if he didn't like it very much, it was still his own. Flesh and flesh, even tiger venom does not eat its offspring, let alone human beings.

He put the child on the bed, and Rong Yue quickly stepped forward to check the condition, felt the pulse, looked into the eyes, listened to the heart, and tested the temperature. Once he was done, he was sure that he was poisoned, not from poison, but from shrimp.

His body can't be contaminated with shrimps, but today he ate so many, and she peeled each one by herself, her heart hurts so much.

"Needle." She reached out to untie the child's clothes, Bing'er let go of Xue'er's arm, and quickly took out the needle pack from the medicine box beside her, and spread it beside the bed for her convenience.

As soon as the needle came out of her mouth, Xueer's body trembled. She had heard the word countless times. The voice was so familiar. Her back was still exactly the same as before. Even the way she felt her pulse and the posture she bent over to listen to her heart , both of which are the ones she is most familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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