Chapter 1027 Miss Comes Back from the Sky
Chapter 1039

Is it Miss?Is the young lady coming back from the sky to save her child?
Miss, is that you?

Her tears couldn't stop falling down, and she covered her mouth to prevent her crying from overflowing, she was afraid that if she made a sound, she would startle her away.

Miss, you are so cruel, you promised to be together forever, but you left first.

She looked at those hands, those extremely familiar hands, which kept taking needles from the needle bag, and pierced Jiao Er's body one by one with her unique technique.

With Miss here, Jiao Er will be fine.

When Jiao Er was in the stomach, he almost failed to save Jiao Er several times. It was the elixir left by the lady who saved Jiao Er. This time, the lady will definitely save her Jiao Er.

Ling'er helped her to sit down on the stool in front of the table, and comforted her in a low voice: "Your Majesty, don't worry, servant girl sees that the queen is indeed capable, and the prince will be fine."

"She's the queen?" She was shocked, everything was exactly the same, only the face was different.

Ling'er nodded: "Yes, she is the queen. If she hadn't sent Sister Bing'er to find His Majesty with her servant just now, she might not be able to see His Majesty now."

Soon after the injection was completed, she still needed to stop for a stick of incense before pulling out the needle. She immediately got up and went to the desk to write the prescription.

She handed the prescription to the eunuch next to Zhou An, and said, "Hurry up and get the medicine back, hurry up."

The eunuch hurried to go, not daring to delay for a moment, this medicine is a medicine that is critical to the life of the eldest prince.

Only then did Xue'er see her face clearly. The face was unfamiliar, but those eyes were extremely familiar.

She was so excited that she couldn't speak, only tears kept falling down, biting her lip desperately, but she couldn't feel the pain.

She turned around, faced Xue'er, sighed softly, pulled out the handkerchief from her sleeve, and wiped away her tears with her own hands: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that Jiao'er can't eat shrimp, I surprised you."

"Miss, is that you? Is it you, miss?" She trembled, staring at the eyes in front of her without blinking.

She nodded: "Xue'er, it's me, I'm sorry, I lied to you, I'm not dead."

Xue'er suddenly lost her voice in pain, and threw herself into her arms, her clothes were wet with tears, and she kept beating her back: "Miss, you are so cruel, since you are not dead, why don't you take me with you? You left me here, so you know how much I want to go with you."

Rong Yue also shed tears. She and Xue'er were in adversity. She knew her heart and her personality. Because of this, she was unwilling to take her away. Her heart was on Zhou An's body. Take it away, she will not be happy either.

But now it seems that she stayed in this deep palace, but she still lived a miserable life. If she had known this, she might as well have taken her away.

She patted her on the back: "it's okay, it's okay, I won't be separated from you in the future, and I'll take you with me wherever I go, okay?"

Xueer nodded heavily, crying and laughing at the same time.

Zhou An coughed, and said angrily: "You two, do you have this king in your eyes? Are you discussing to leave in front of this king?"

Rong Yue ignored him, let go of Xue'er's arm, turned around and walked to the bed to look at the child, seeing that the child's condition had improved, she said: "Jiao'er's life is no longer in danger, after drinking the medicine, It will get better, Your Majesty, let's go back first, Xue'er and I are enough here."

(End of this chapter)

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