Chapter 1031
Chapter 1043

She was so kind to everyone, but she was so unfeeling to him.

It doesn't matter, he will make her change slowly.

He has time.

Not long after Zhou An finished his meal and left, a few unexpected guests came outside the Hall of Cihe.

In addition to the Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren who met in the imperial garden that day, there are three beauties of similar age. They are all selected into the palace. Everyone in the palace was looking forward to it.

Now I heard that there is a new queen in the palace, she looks very ordinary, but she has been favored by His Majesty, they all feel curious, so they make an appointment to come to the Hall of Mercy to say goodbye, and take a look at how ordinary the new queen looks like .

"Your Majesty, some beauties have come outside and said they are coming to pay their respects to your Majesty." The maid who was serving entered the palace to report.

Bing'er asked: "What beauty? The empress doesn't know her, let them all go back, the empress is going to rest." She has heard a little bit about the affairs in the palace. These beauties and concubines are intriguing, for the emperor's favor, Fighting openly and secretly, fighting to the death is not hesitating, she doesn't want the princess to be their target.

Instead, Rong Yue's eyes lit up, and she smiled and said: "Let them come in, Your Majesty only said not to let Concubine Xue come to see me, but he didn't say not to let other concubines come."

The maid retreated, Bing'er hurriedly said: "Princess, these women must be uneasy and kind, why do you bother with them?"

She smiled, with a hint of cunning in her eyes: "I'm bored, it's okay to see you, go and prepare tea, put some croton powder in it, and give them a relief."

"Ah?" Bing'er was taken aback for a moment, and seeing that the master didn't seem to be joking, she turned around and left.

Wanmeiren and Qianmeiren walked in front, looking familiar, and smiled at Rongyue warmly as soon as they entered the hall: "Sister, your Hall of Mercy and Harmony is really big, the flowers in the yard, I am Haven't seen it before."

She saluted at the head, and the beauty Qian behind and the other three beauties who were facing each other saluted her one after another.

She smiled and said: "Sit down, I'm bored, you can come and talk with me."

Seeing that the new queen is so kind, the nervousness that was suppressed in her heart immediately dissipated, and they all raised their eyes to look at the new queen. As Wanmei said, her appearance was extremely ordinary, except for those eyes, she could still see her. According to their aesthetic standards, this can be regarded as an ugly girl. I really didn't expect that His Majesty would like such a girl.

Everyone sat down around the table, and Bing'er quickly served the tea.

Rong Yue asked: "How long have you all been in the palace?"

Wanmei hurriedly said: "It's been two years, the five of us have entered the palace together, it's been two years."

Rong Yue asked again: "It's been two years, you really don't look like this, you still look like an unmarried girl, so fresh."

These words sound like compliments, but why do they feel weird, like ankle compliments, but not like compliments. . .

Qianmei laughed dryly and said, "The queen is joking."

Rong Yue has a serious face: "I'm not kidding, look at you, you look like a girl with yellow flowers. I was pregnant as soon as I got married, and I gave birth to a daughter just a year after I got married. Women who have children not only have out-of-shape figures, but also have changed a lot in complexion, which is not as good as yours."

The five people were shocked from ear to ear, did they hear correctly?What was the new queen just saying?She was married and had children, and now she is a queen again?

(End of this chapter)

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