Chapter 1032 Domineering
Chapter 1044

Ignoring everyone's surprised gazes, she picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Everyone also took a sip of tea to suppress their shock.

Wanmei asked: "Since you have another husband and a child, why did you enter the palace?"

Rong Yue smiled wryly: "Entering the palace is not what I wanted, but His Majesty is too domineering. I am a weak woman, how can I beat him?"

So, she was snatched into the palace by His Majesty?No wonder so many guards were sent to the Hall of Compassion and Harmony, guarding day and night, because they were afraid that the queen who had robbed the palace would run away. . .

Shocked, they didn't know what to say, they picked up the tea and took another big sip, suppressing their shock.

His Majesty didn't know what he was thinking, he ignored so many beauties in the harem, and went to the people to snatch such an ugly and shameless woman back to be the queen.

After everyone left, Bing'er asked Rongyue in a very puzzled manner: "Princess, why did you say this to them?"

Rong Yue lightly smiled: "They know, the entire palace will know, and this matter will soon reach the ears of all the speech officials, and by then, these speech officials who want to save face and brains will definitely gather together Even though this may not solve the problem, it can add some trouble to him, isn’t it good?”

Bing'er was stunned, but she was still a little puzzled: "Then why did you give them chin beans?"

"Because a person will truly hate another person only after suffering. Otherwise, most people will choose to remain silent and forbear, because none of them want to offend His Majesty."

But if after suffering from laxatives, their anger will reach a peak, then the news will spread even faster.

Sure enough, three days later, Zhou An's imperial table was filled with notes written by the officials, and there were similarities and minor differences in them. There were doubts about the identity of the new queen, and he forgot that His Majesty put the overall situation first. Continuing the heirs for the royal family.

Zhou An threw all the papers on the ground, and said angrily: "These immortals, who does this king want to be his queen, and which woman he wants to favor, he also cares. What are they?"

The eunuch at the side hurriedly comforted: "Your Majesty, calm down. These officials are just trying to prove the necessity of their existence. How can they understand your mind? You don't need to pay attention to them. They will lose their anger after a while."

At this time, a young eunuch came in and reported: "Your Majesty, Miss Wanmei brought several other beauties in the palace to ask for an audience, and they were kneeling outside the palace. Look, Your Majesty, can I invite you in now?"

Zhou An frowned: "What are they doing here? See you there.

The little eunuch said: "Your Majesty, they said that if you don't see them, they won't be able to run long distances."

Zhou An really had a headache, and waved: "Let them in."

The one who walked in the front was still Wanmei, she plopped and knelt in front of Zhou An, choked up and said, "Your Majesty, please make the decision for my concubine."

The other four also knelt down one after another: "Your Majesty, please be the master for my concubine."

Zhou An raised his hand: "Everyone get up and talk."

The five stood up, and Wanmei took another step forward, and said to Zhou An: "Your Majesty, my sisters and I went to the Hall of Mercy and Peace the day before yesterday to pay our respects. Who would have thought that the queen asked us to sit down and drink tea, but we poured water into the tea? Poison, fortunately we have a lot of life, so we got back a little life."

Zhou An asked back: "You keep saying that the queen is going to kill you, but do you have evidence? If there is nothing to prove it, then go back."

(End of this chapter)

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