Chapter 1033

Chapter 1045

The beautiful woman choked up and said in a mournful voice: "Your Majesty, the courtiers and concubines are the evidence. That day, the five courtiers and concubines went to the Hall of Mercy to pay respects to the queen. After the queen drank the tea, she vomited and diarrhea when she returned. One night, my little life was almost lost, and it took several days before I could go to the ground. At first, the concubine thought that the concubine had caught a cold and fell ill, but who would have imagined that, as soon as I went out today, I met with a few sisters and talked about it It turns out that everyone is the same, if it wasn't for the queen who put medicine in the tea of ​​the concubines and others, how could there be such a coincidence in this world?"

Zhou An snorted coldly, "I see you are all alive and well, you don't look weak at all, it's clearly a slander, come here, pull me down."

"Your Majesty, every sentence of the courtiers and concubines is true, every sentence is true!"

The voice gradually disappeared, and Zhou An was very annoyed. The memorials on the table were all requested to be abolished and re-established. The front matter has not been resolved yet, and the backyard caught fire again.

He simply got up and strode to the Hall of Mercy, and saw that she was playing chess with Binger, her mask had been removed, and there was a faint smile on her lips, she was still the same Qi Rongyue from before. Qi Rongyue.

No matter how big the anger was, after seeing such a smiling face, it immediately dissipated.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyes and glanced at him, the smile on her face gradually dissipated, she didn't get up, didn't talk to her, she just played chess with the girl, pretending that he didn't exist.

He stepped forward, waved his hand, and disturbed the pieces on the chessboard, Bing'er hurriedly stood up and saluted.

He gave Bing'er a cold look: "You go down first, the king has something to say to the queen."

Bing'er took a look at her master and saw her nod her head slightly, so she retreated with peace of mind, and the eunuch who followed Zhou An also retreated wisely, and closed the door outside.

He stared at the face in front of him, and asked word by word: "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Rong Yue didn't look at him, but carefully picked up the white children one by one into the jar, and said in a low voice, "There's no beginning or end, I don't know what you're talking about."

Zhou An said again: "Drug Wanmei and others, and deliberately revealed that you married someone else and had a child." Mentioning this, he felt heartbroken, obviously it was his Rong Yue, his Rong Yue.

She was still calm: "Yes, I did it on purpose."

He rushed forward, pinched her chin, and said angrily, "What do you want to do?"

She stared at his face, which had already been distorted: "What do I want to do? Don't you know it well? Why bother to ask?"

"Even now, you still want to leave?" The anger in his chest was almost overwhelming. What exactly did she want him to do?Will you pull it out and show her?

She said word by word: "I don't want to leave all the time. This is not my destination. You know it clearly in your heart. Why do you have to force me again and again?"

"No, you can't, you are my wife, the wife I am marrying, no one can take you away from me."

"Zhou An, have you forgotten? Our marriage was originally a transaction. I have never given you my sincerity, and I have never regarded myself as your wife, never."

His chest rose and fell violently, his complexion became very ugly, and the persistence in his eyes remained unchanged: "Really? Never? Maybe it's because you and I have never been a real husband and wife."

When he bullied her, her face turned pale.

"What are you doing?" She put her hand on his bent chest.

(End of this chapter)

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