Chapter 1035
Chapter 1048

It turned out that she was such a remarkable person who had done so many things for the stable and prosperous Chu Dynasty.

He once thought about what would happen if he could meet her before Zheng Zhongwen.

Now it seems that no matter when you meet her, the result will be the same.


Zhou Palace, Cihe Hall.

"I heard from the guard that you want to go out?" Zhou An asked Rong Yue who was sitting under the window pretending to read a book.

Rong Yue didn't raise her head: "So what if you want to go out? Will you let me go?"

Zhou An smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, and pulled her up from the chair: "Let's go, I'll take you to the garden while I'm still free."

She wanted to withdraw her hand, but it only made her wrist hurt more, "I don't want to go."

"Whether you want to go or not is up to you." After saying that, he dragged her away, dragging her into the imperial garden.

The sun has been out for several days, and the snow has almost melted, but it is also the coldest time. Even though she is standing under the sun, when the wind blows, she is still shivering with cold.

Seeing her trembling, Zhou An hurriedly took off the plush cape on her body and tied it around her.

Although she didn't want to admit it, after wearing the cloak, it was indeed much warmer.

"Why don't you refuse? Aren't you afraid that I'll get sick?" Zhou An asked with a smile.

She laughed too, but she didn't know whether it was real or fake.

"Isn't it good for you to be sick? This way you can stay in your palace to recuperate, and you won't come to the Hall of Mercy and Harmony to bother me, just as I wish."

To others, this may be a joke, but Zhou An knows that she thinks so.

But he doesn't care, whatever she thinks, his mind will not change.

He clasped his hand again, and pulled her to continue walking, passing through the green bamboo forest, suddenly a dazzled, rich fragrance rushed to his face, it was a barren grassland, but now it was full of flowers , all kinds of flowers, many varieties she has never seen before, colorful and fragrant.

If you look closely, the pots of flowers don't seem to be arranged randomly, they seem to be arranged in the shape of words.

Zhou An pulled her to the side bridge, standing on the bridge and looking down, it turned out to be the word Rongyue, which is composed of all kinds of flowers, although I don't know if these flowers just moved out of the warm room can survive How long, now, they are delicate and open, very beautiful.

On the other side, several concubines and beauties came here talking and laughing together: "I heard that His Majesty sent many flowers into the palace, and they were all placed at the other side of the bamboo forest, let's go and have a look too. "

"I'm going to have a look. Your Majesty never cared about these things. What is it for this time?"

"It must be because of the ugly and faceless new queen." Wanmei said bitterly: "Your Majesty seems to be a different person because of her. She will do everything. It is obvious that the evil things she has done, but she still wants to give them to you." She was walking around, and after so many ministers' remonstrances and abolition, he just ignored him, I really don't know what's so good about that woman, my court ladies are all prettier than her."

"Really? Are all your court ladies prettier than the queen?" Concubine Liang asked
Wanmei snorted, "Ask them if you don't believe me, they've seen them all."

Concubine Liang's eyes fell on Beauty Qian, she didn't believe what other people said, but she knew Beauty Qian's temperament, so she believed her.

Qianmei smiled and said, "It can't be said that she is ugly and faceless, but she is more ordinary than we imagined."

"Look, isn't that Your Majesty?" Zhenmei said excitedly, pointing to Zhou An standing on the arch bridge in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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