Chapter 1036
Chapter 1049

Everyone turned their eyes to look, and they saw His Majesty standing on the arch bridge, and there was a person standing beside him, wrapped in a fur-trimmed plush cloak, the color was black, and the cloak was wide and long reaching the ground, obviously it didn't fit well Concubine Liang said: "That cloak belongs to His Majesty, I have seen His Majesty wear it before."

They tried hard to see the woman's appearance clearly, but because His Majesty was standing beside her, her face was completely blocked, and they could only see a back figure. Even though their bodies were completely wrapped in a wide cloak, they could still feel the The woman is slender and delicate, even though the black hair on her head is simply tied up in a bun without any decorations, it still gives people the feeling that this woman must be extremely beautiful.

"Is she the queen?" Concubine Liang asked.

Wanmei nodded: "It's her, I can recognize her just by looking at her back."

With the words of affirmation, Concubine Liang looked at the back with more careful eyes. She was tall and slender, with a slender neck, and a section of skin on the back of her neck was exposed, which was made more white and tender by the white fur trim of the cloak.

Even though it was just a back view, there was a faint sense of dignity.

She frowned. Is this woman really as ugly as Wanmei said?
Of course she hoped that the woman would be an ugly girl, so she would not disappoint her well-dressed today. The peach-pink long thin cotton dress, the neckline rolled with gray fox fur trim, and the atmosphere was full of the charm of a little woman. It is also the most fashionable flying topknot nowadays, with the golden steps bestowed upon her by His Majesty when she gave birth to the princess, with bright eyes and bright teeth, shining brightly.

Everyone walked out of the bamboo forest, came to the bridge, and saluted His Majesty and the Queen standing on the bridge, "The courtiers and concubines will see Your Majesty and Queen."

Zhou An frowned, why did he meet these people every time he came to the Imperial Garden, did someone report the news or something?
"Pingshen." He waved his hand, "My king and queen enjoy the flowers, you all stand down."

Concubine Liang straightened her body, raised her eyes generously to look at the queen standing beside His Majesty, her complexion suddenly turned pale, such a face, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a country and a city, how can a beautiful woman say that she is ugly? No face?

At the same time, she also realized that with her own beauty, no matter how she dressed, she couldn't compare with the new queen in front of her. No wonder His Majesty favored her so much.

Wanmei was also stunned. She pointed at the queen, looked at her over and over again, and rubbed her eyes over and over again: "You, you, you, you, why did you change your face?"

Rong Yue smiled and said: "I used to wear a mask, that's not my real face, but now, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to deceive you, but I have some unavoidable difficulties." She glanced at Zhou An, and then Said: "Now this difficulty is not important anymore, I will live with my true face in the future."

It turned out to be like this, although she spoke politely and always had a smile on her face, Miss Wanmei still hated her deeply, who told her to drug her.

"So that's the case, I was still thinking, sister, one daughter marrying two husbands, where can I put this face, I have to wear a mask to live." Wanmei said sarcastically.

Qianmei sighed secretly, thinking that this Wanmei is really stupid, knowing that His Majesty is protecting her, yet dare to damage the Queen's face in front of His Majesty, isn't this just looking for shame?
Sure enough, Zhou An's expression changed drastically when he heard the words, and he said in a deep voice, "What are you, you dare to accuse the queen? Come on, slap your mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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