Chapter 1039
Chapter 1052

"Zhou An, these things he would never do, you do them every day, you only consider your own feelings, you only want to get what you want, have you ever asked me if I would like to? Also, What's the use of asking, you already know the answer."

Zhou An shook his head, "No matter what you say, I will never let you go. You are my queen, Zhou An, and you will be like this all your life, and you will never change."

Apart from stubbornness, there was nothing but stubbornness on his originally gentle and handsome face.

She shook off his hand: "It's not speculative, if that's the case, then there's no need to say more."

He looked at her back and said, "Rong Yue, don't go."

She ignored him and continued walking outside.

He turned up the volume again: "Don't go."

She still didn't stop, he finally shouted: "Take another step, and I will immediately make Concubine Xue kneel outside the hall to plead guilty."

She stopped and turned around suddenly: "What's wrong with her? Why did you treat her like this? That incident back then was obviously your fault. She gave birth to a child for you regardless of the past, but you kept repeating it again and again. And San's treating her like this, you don't deserve her love, and you don't deserve to be Jiao Er's father."

He sneered, "If you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it. So what? I don't care about anyone. I just want you. As long as you stay by my side, I can give up everything."

He stared at her and reached out to her: "come here."

She didn't move.

He snorted coldly: "Looks like it's time for Concubine Xue to come out to cool off."

She bit her lip, wishing she could turn into a tiger and pounce on him and bite him.

In the end, she still moved, approaching him step by step, and stopped a foot in front of the bed.

He patted the edge of the bed: "Sit down."

She frowned: "Zhou An, don't push yourself too far."

He repeated again: "Sit down."

She still didn't move, the humiliation almost overwhelmed her.

He took her hand, pulled her to the side of the bed, and sat down on her shoulder: "Don't worry, I won't force you." He still remembered her determination that day when she bit her tongue and committed suicide, and he admitted that he was very sad. Afraid, very afraid that she would really do that.

He also lost his head that day because he didn't really want to force her.

His tough face suddenly softened, looking at her stubborn side face, he smiled wryly: "Just talk to me, is that okay?"

She lowered her eyes: "I don't think there is anything to talk about between us."

"Let's not think about these unhappy things, think about something happy and interesting. Let's talk about the interesting things in Pengcheng back then, shall we?"

She didn't make a sound, and he opened his mouth first: "Back then, my nanny and I lived in exile in Pengcheng, living a hard life. Despite the hardship, I never thought of coming back again. The glory and wealth are just passing away. I want to stay away from this place." The court disputes, away from this vortex of power, so I thought about opening a private school in Pengcheng, honoring the nanny well, and living a comfortable life."

"But you are not born to live that kind of life. Although you have thought about staying away from these things, your bones still yearn for them. For example, before you ascended the throne, you were Zhou An, the one I knew. Zhou An, warm and humane."

"But when you sit on the throne, you change quickly. You taste the power, and you find that with such power, you can do whatever you want, and do whatever you want, so you go back on your word. Yes, you want to use your power to keep me here."

(End of this chapter)

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