Chapter 1040 Silence
Chapter 1053

He frowned and didn't want to admit it, so he remained silent.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, it's the truth."

We agreed to have a nice chat, why did we compete with him again?
"Rong Yue, shall we not talk about this?"

Seeing that she didn't refuse, he hurriedly said, "Do you still remember Haizi in Rongyu Hall?"

"He actually liked Dang'er, but he didn't dare to say it. At that time, he had nothing. He was afraid that he would not be able to give Dang'er happiness. Dang'er also liked him, but he was too embarrassed to say it. The two of them just missed it again and again. A great opportunity."

"Until later, Dang'er's mother found a marriage for Dang'er. When Haizi found out, he panicked. He didn't know what Dang'er wanted, and he was afraid that if he said it, he would be rejected, so he hesitated all the time."

"Dang'er doesn't want to marry the man her mother picked. She pretends to be Haizi in her heart, but she doesn't know what to do."

It wasn't until Dang'er's mother came to Rongyu Hall again and said that she would take Dang'er to order wedding clothes that Haizi realized that if he didn't fight for it, the girl he liked would become someone else's bride.

So he plucked up the courage to ask Dang'er's mother to marry her to him.

Of course Dang'er's mother refused to agree, she had already accepted someone else's dowry, how could she agree to marry her daughter to someone else.

So Haizi collected money from everywhere, and used double the dowry to impress Dang'er's mother, and her mother agreed to marry Dang'er to him.

He looked at Rongyue and sighed: "My thoughts at the time were the same as Haizi's. I liked it in my heart, but I chose to shrink back because I didn't have much money at the time. In front of you, I always thought I was right, until I witnessed what happened to Haizi with my own eyes, and I realized that my retreat at that time might be the beginning of what I missed."

Sure enough, he missed it. When he saw her again, she said that she was already engaged to Zheng Zhongwen. He regretted it too much, but there was nothing he could do, because at that time, he still had nothing.

When they met again, he was a prince and she was a princess, what a matching identity.

That's why he regretted it after assuming the throne, or maybe, in his heart, he never thought of letting her go again.

She smiled: "It seems that you also know that we are not destined."

He also laughed and shook his head: "No, you are wrong. If we have no fate, how can we meet again later? Again and again, if we have no fate, why did you become the wife I am marrying? Why did you become the wife of this week? The queen of the dynasty?"

"If we didn't have fate, how could Qi Yongchun come from Chu Dynasty to Zhou Dynasty to tell me about you, so that my heart that was as dead as ashes was brought back to life again. Speaking of it, I really want to thank Qi Yongchun."

Thinking of Qi Yongchun, her teeth itch with hatred: "Can I go and see him?"

He nodded: "Of course, of course you can go to see him, and I can even let you send him off at will."

Send him off at will?Very well, she likes this privilege.

After all, Zhou An was ill. Although he tried to cheer himself up, he still couldn't suppress the bouts of drowsiness. He was afraid that she would slip away while he was asleep, so he held her tight like a child. Clothes fell asleep.

When he was fast asleep, she peeled off his fingers one by one, got up and went to the desk to write down the prescription, and planned to leave after finishing the work, but who knew that the door of the temple was tied from the outside, she couldn't pull it open, and she didn't dare to use force Banging on the door and shouting woke up Zhou An, but she couldn't leave either.

(End of this chapter)

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