Chapter 1047
Chapter 1060

The mother knew about this, but pretended to be deaf and dumb. She knew in her heart that Miss Qing just couldn't take that first step. As long as a man gave her sex, she might be willing to pick up the guests, so Su Liu had the courage It's getting bigger and bigger.

Previously, Miss Qing had always been protected by two top cards, and now she escaped every time without any danger, but today those two top cards were invited to swim in the lake, and one of them was not there, so Su Liu found it again .

Miss Qing put on her clothes, and saluted Sima Changfeng with tears in her eyes: "Thank you for your righteousness and rescue, young master."

Sima Changfeng waved his hands: "Seeing the road is uneven, it's just a matter of raising your hands. You don't need to be polite."

Miss Qing said to the woman beside her again: "Sister Xiang, thank you!"

Miss Xiang shook her head and sighed: "This young master has something to do with you, you can talk about it, Miss Qing, listen to my sister's persuasion, if you leave, don't come back, never come back, you are not suitable for this place."

Miss Qing smiled wryly: "Where can I go? No home, no family, the end is the same wherever I go."

Miss Xiang didn't say any more, turned around and left.

Sima Changfeng stepped forward, helped her up the overturned table, picked up another stool and placed it in front of her: "Sit down."

Miss Qing looked at Sima Changfeng in surprise. How could such a nobleman help her move the stool?

"Thank you!" She sat down and looked up at Sima Changfeng in front of her: "I have never met Young Master, so I don't know why Young Master is looking for me?"

Sima Changfeng smiled and said: "That's right, I heard that you are a makeup girl and you are good at makeup, isn't it?"

Miss Qing nodded: "It's just a skill for making a living. Does the young master's family need makeup?"

Sima Changfeng pointed to himself, and asked, "If I can be dressed up as a woman so that no one can easily see it, is it possible?"

Miss Qing was stunned: "Dress up the young master as a woman?"

Sima Changfeng hurriedly said: "Girl, don't get me wrong, I don't have any bad hobbies, it's just that there are some things I have to do that I can't do as a man, but I have to do it as a daughter, so I came here The worst policy."

Miss Qing nodded to show her understanding. She sized him up and said, "Young master has a fair face, straight eyebrows and eyes, and is well-groomed. It's just that the young master is really tall, so even wearing women's clothes is very eye-catching." .”

Sima Changfeng said: "It's not a problem." There is nothing to do, you can't cut off a piece with a knife.

Miss Qing got up, took a small wooden box from behind, and said: "In that case, I will go with the young master, but I will see my mother later, and you need to explain to her."

Sima Changfeng was taken aback: "What are you going to tell me? You are not the girl who treats guests here, why should she care about you?"

Miss Qing smiled wryly: "Even if I don't pick up the guests, but my contract of prostitution is still in her hands, how could she just let me go when she says let me go?"

Thinking of her previous situation, Sima Changfeng couldn't help asking, "How much will it cost to redeem you?"

Miss Qing was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "300 taels."

Sima Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief, it was only 300 taels, he was in a hurry to go out today, and he only brought a few thousand taels of silver bills, he was afraid that it would not be enough, it was only 300 taels, what a trivial matter.

"Okay, I'll redeem you, and you won't have to worry about being bullied by the beast just now."

Jing girl knelt down in front of him with a plop: "My lord is very kind, Qing'er is willing to be a cow or a horse to repay you."

Sima Changfeng hurriedly helped her up, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, and you don't have to be a cow or a horse to repay me, as long as you do what I entrust to you."

(End of this chapter)

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