Chapter 1048 Not Difficult
Chapter 1061

Sima Changfeng took Qing'er back to the inn.

"My lord, this is Miss Qing. She is a makeup girl who specializes in putting on makeup for people. She is very skilled."

Zheng Zhongwen was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood in front of Miss Qing, pointed at himself and said, "I look like this, it shouldn't be difficult to make up a woman, right?"

Miss Qing held back her laughter, and took a good look at Zheng Zhongwen. The man in front of her was better than Mr. Sima in terms of appearance and bearing, but his skin was slightly darker, so he was not as good at putting on makeup as Mr. Sima.

She laughed dryly: "It's not difficult, it's not difficult."

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at the sky outside, and said: "It's not difficult, it's too late now, you go to the next room to rest first, and put on our makeup tomorrow."

Sima Changfeng was taken aback: "Then where should I sleep?"

Zheng Zhongwen pointed to the floor of the room: "This floor is quite warm, just try it."

Miss Qing left the room with a smile, her heart was warm, she had never been so respected by others, she finally lived like a person.

As soon as Miss Qing walked out of the room, Sima Changfeng said, "Why am I sleeping on the floor? Why don't you sleep?"

After Sima Changfeng finished speaking, he turned around and went to the bed and fell down: "I want to sleep on the bed."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't argue with him, turned around, went to the cabinet, took out two quilts, and spread them on the floor skillfully: "Sleep." He has tried even the harshest environment, with quilts and a roof to keep out the wind and rain. Very good, he is very satisfied.

Sima Changfeng was taken aback for a moment, and he was just fighting for it symbolically. He didn't expect Zheng Zhongwen to choose to sleep on the ground so simply, so he couldn't think about it.

"Let me sleep on the floor. You are a prince, how can you be so condescending." He got up.

Zheng Zhongwen had already taken off his outer shirt and lay down, closed his eyes and said: "I have slept in the wild for seven days and seven nights on the battlefield in Xijiang, sleeping on the floor is nothing to me, you are different, you have never suffered , I am afraid that your back will hurt tomorrow, so you should sleep on the bed steadily."

After speaking, he turned over and turned his back to Sima Changfeng, not giving him a chance to speak.

Sima Changfeng sat back by the bed silently, looked at Zheng Zhongwen's back, and felt deeply moved. He knew that Zheng Zhongwen was the eldest son of the Yongping Marquis Mansion before he became the side-by-side king. With the slightest air of a playboy, he has an optimistic and courageous personality, is courageous and resourceful, and is also loyal to his wife. It's no wonder that a woman like Qi Rongyue would like him.

He sighed in his heart, turned over and fell on the bed, and slowly fell asleep amidst wild thoughts.

Early the next morning, Miss Qing came into the house with a hot breakfast and saw the two of them washing up, so she put it down and went to help early.

Zheng Zhongwen waved his hand: "No, no, I'm not used to it, you can help him, he can't even comb his hair."

Sima Changfeng also waved his hand, "Don't, don't, I don't need it either, don't listen to his nonsense, I just wanted to put on female makeup later, so I deliberately didn't tie my hair up."

Miss Qing saw that the two of them refused her help, so she was busy cleaning their room again. In short, she had to work, otherwise she felt uneasy.

Seeing her like this, Sima Changfeng said softly, "Miss Qing, you don't have to be like this, and you don't have to feel uneasy. I helped you, and you help me too. That's fair."

Miss Qing said: "My lord, I have neither family nor home. Since you have redeemed me, I will follow you from now on and serve you for the rest of your life."

(End of this chapter)

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