Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1052 Assigned 3 Maids Over

Chapter 1052 Arranged three maids to come over
(To clarify, I sent the previous chapter 1064 to the back of chapter 1057 by mistake. I don't have permission to change it. I have to wait until Monday to edit and go to work. If you want to read 1064, go back first, and then read this chapter 1065. Sorry, It was my mistake, sorry everyone.)
Chapter 1065

The nanny gave him a sideways look, and said displeasedly: "There are no rules, so you can go wherever you want?" But after all, she got their benefits, and she finally said kindly: "There is no need in the Queen's Palace of Mercy Maid, so this time I did not release people to the Hall of Mercy and Harmony."

Although they were unwilling, they had no choice but to go to the Jinghe Palace first, after all, it was close to the Hall of Mercy and Harmony, and it would not be too difficult to find an opportunity to sneak there at night.

Jinghe Palace

"Your Majesty, the attendants sent three maids here, do you want to meet?" Ling'er asked.

Concubine Xue shook her head and continued her needlework: "No need, just look at the arrangement."

Ling'er nodded, and couldn't help muttering: "Mother, why do you have to be so exhausted, these jobs can only be done by servants."

Concubine Xue smiled lightly: "How can what you do be the same as what I did? This is my heart for my sister, so I should do it myself."

Ling'er leaned forward to take a closer look, and couldn't help but praise: "Your Majesty's female celebrity is really well done, look at this flower embroidery, the butterflies will come to settle down when they see it."

Concubine Xue raised her eyes and glanced at her: "I know flattery, didn't you just say that there are a few new maids here, why are you chattering here if you don't settle them down?"

Ling'er blessed her body, and said with a smile: "Your maidservant will go now, don't disturb your mother."

When Ling'er came to the back hall, Miss Chaoqing and the three asked: "What are your names?"

Miss Qing replied, "My name is Qing'er."

Ling'er's eyes fell on Zheng Zhongwen, she was really tall, she had never seen such a tall court lady, she looked like a man, but fortunately, her face was quite pleasing to the eye.

Zheng Zhongwen squeezed his throat and said: "My name is Wen'er." He made a nauseous expression in his heart, Wen'er. . .He even called his daughter by her nickname, it's disgusting.

Sima Changfeng also continued, "My name is Feng'er."

Ling'er didn't care that their voices were weird, there were all kinds of people in this world, and there was nothing unusual about them.

"Your Majesty has said that you will take care of the errands of the three elder sisters who are leaving the palace. You will be responsible for cleaning the apse and helping you in the small kitchen when you are free."

The three should be, Zheng Zhongwen asked: "Dare to ask this sister, who is the master of our Jinghe Palace?"

Ling'er smiled and said: "The master of our Jinghe Palace is Concubine Xue, and she is also the only one in the palace who gave birth to a prince this week, take good care of her, and your benefits will be indispensable in the future."

Concubine Xue?

Zheng Zhongwen was overjoyed, he thought of Xue'er who stayed in Zhou Dynasty because she was pregnant with Zhou An's flesh and blood.

If it was really Xue'er, it would be much easier.

"Sister, we have just come to Jinghe Palace, and we will have to rely on my sister a lot in the future." He smiled, stepped forward and stuffed a silver ingot into Ling'er's hand.

Ling'er was taken aback for a moment, this was the first time she telegraphed a bribe from the maid, and she was a new maid.

She wanted to return it, but she was a little bit reluctant, after all, no one didn't like this thing.

Zheng Zhongwen asked: "Sister, is your mother free to see us, we want to thank you for your kindness."

Ling'er shook her head: "Your Majesty is busy now, so I don't have time to see you, if you really have the intention, you can go to the front hall with me to wait on lunch later."

Zheng Zhongwen was overjoyed, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, sister, I'm sorry for your trouble." He never thought that one day, he would be in this state, speaking such soft words that even he himself felt disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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