Chapter 1053

Chapter 1066

Ling'er personally took them to the residence to find out the way, and explained a lot of palace rules. In the blink of an eye, it was time to pass the meal, and she said to the three of them: "Today, I will take sister Wen'er to the front hall to serve, and you rest first." Rest, I will take you there tomorrow."

As she said that, she walked out first, and Zheng Zhongwen said to Sima Changfeng in a low voice: "I know this Concubine Xue, you don't have to worry, I will come as soon as I go."

Sima Changfeng stared at his back, and murmured to himself: "Hey - this man is really interesting, why is there no one he doesn't know? He also knows the concubine of King Zhou?"

Miss Qing smiled and said, "Didn't you call him the prince? Since he is the prince, he will naturally know many people. It's nothing unusual."

Sima Changfeng shrugged: "Never mind him, just stop messing around outside."

Miss Qing was puzzled: "My lord is messing around outside, what are you worrying about?"

Sima Changfeng was taken aback, yes, what is he worrying about?Can he manage it?
He sighed softly: "I'm just worrying about it. How could he be that kind of person? If that's the kind of person, how could he get Rongyue's love."

Miss Qing asked: "The Rongyue you mentioned is the prince's wife?"

He nodded: "Yes." His chest was a little stuffy and uncomfortable.

Miss Qing has been wandering in the Fireworks Land for a few years, so she still has some eyesight. When Sima Changfeng mentioned Rong, his eyes were obviously not right. His eyes became gentle, but there was a strong sadness in his eyes.

He likes that woman named Rongyue, so he is willing to risk his life for her, but unfortunately, she is already someone else's wife.

Miss Qing didn't say anything, she just poured a cup of tea and put it in front of him: "Drink some water."

front hall
After the people in the dining room set up the meals and left, Ling'er led Zheng Zhongwen to the hall.

Concubine Xue was still immersed in her embroidery work, but Jiao Er came out smelling the smell of food.

"Mother, Jiao Er is hungry."

Jiaoer was as old as Nianwen, and about the same height. Seeing Jiaoer, Zhongwen missed his daughter who was far away in Chudu. He really wanted to take Rongyue to his daughter's side immediately. It must be very sad.

How can such a small child leave his parents.

Ling'er tugged at his sleeves, and said, "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go and serve your mother some vegetables?"

When Zheng Zhongwen saw Xue'er, he didn't have any thoughts about cloth dishes. He just wanted to ask Xue'er immediately how Rong Yue's situation is now, and how she is doing well.

He coughed, glanced at the dishes on the table, and saw a few maids standing in the corner of the hall, so he squeezed his throat and said, "This dish is really delicate, better than the food in our Rongyu Hall." Much better looking."

Ling'er's face changed slightly, she didn't expect this dead girl to be so bold, she dared to talk nonsense when she saw the empress for the first time.

Xue'er stopped her hand that was threading the needle, and quickly raised her head, looking at the tall and burly 'maid', that face was covered with a lot of thick powder, but she still recognized Zheng Zhongwen at a glance, after all they They are so familiar with each other.

Zheng Zhongwen blinked at her, and then glanced at the other maids in the palace, Xueer understood, and said to Linger: "If you tell them all to back down, you also back down."

Ling'er mistakenly thought that the empress was angry, and hurriedly said: "Empress, please calm down, she is a maid who has just entered the palace today, and she still doesn't understand the rules in our palace, don't worry, this servant will definitely teach him well, next time , no, there will never be a next time."

(End of this chapter)

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