Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1054 Coveting That One Ingot of Silver

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1067

Ling'er is really regretful now, this guy will really cause trouble for her, she really shouldn't be greedy for that ingot of silver just now.

Xue'er said: "It's okay, you can step back and let her stay and serve."

Ling'er is confused, what's going on?But since the empress had spoken, there was a reason for her disobedience. She immediately waved her hand and took away the rest of the maids in the palace.

Xue'er got up quickly, walked to Zheng Zhongwen, and kissed her: "My lord!"

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly said: "Xue'er, you don't need to be too polite, you are now Zhou An's concubine, so you don't need to salute me."

Xue'er smiled wryly: "How can you change what you are used to?"

"My lord entered the palace this time to rescue my sister."

Zheng Zhongwen asked: "How is Rongyue doing now? How is she doing? Has she been bullied by Zhou An?"

Xue'er shook her head: "My sister is fine except that she is not free. Zhou An is obedient to her sister. How can she bully her? He just doesn't want her to leave, but he doesn't force her."

It’s fine if you don’t have it, it’s fine if you don’t have it, he knows Rongyue’s temperament, with her character, she would rather die than submit, every time he thinks of Rongyue’s face covered in blood in the mountains that day, he can feel it now. To that feeling of dread.

"Xue'er, can you take me to see her?"

Xue'er looked embarrassed: "My lord, to be honest, I haven't seen my sister for many days. Zhou An watched her very closely and almost never let her go out of the palace. Every time she went out, there were many masters following her. Hu, around the Hall of Mercy, there are bright and dark guards, I don't know how many, he is just to prevent you from coming to save her, if you show up, you will definitely fall into his hands, at that time, if Zhou An sacrifices your life Coercing my sister, I'm afraid things will be more difficult."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "No, there must be a chance, there must be."

"Can you take me around outside the Hall of Cihe? I'll explore the way first." He asked.

Xue'er nodded: "Of course, you can eat first. After eating, I will take you around there. Don't be too anxious. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. It's useless to be anxious."

After dinner, Xue'er led Ling'er and Zheng Zhongwen out to the vicinity of the Hall of Mercy and Harmony.

Ling'er asked: "Madam, didn't your majesty say that you are not allowed to come to the Hall of Mercy? Even if you come, you can't get in. Why bother?"

Xue'er smiled lightly: "I'll just walk around casually, if I don't go in, I won't go in."

Zheng Zhongwen looked around and had a panoramic view of the surrounding environment. It has to be said that Zhou An's defense was fairly tight. There were eighteen first-class masters in the open and in the dark, and some ordinary guards in the palace were constantly patrolling around. It can be said that there is no loophole at all, no wonder Rong Yue has not escaped after being trapped here for so long.

The three of them walked past the gate of the Hall of Cihe, Zheng Zhongwen deliberately slowed down his pace, stretched his neck to look in, but saw nothing, just as he walked past, he saw Zhou An's figure coming in a hurry, with several people beside him. He was a first-class master, and the eunuch who followed closely to his left also had kung fu, walking like flying, with a light body, he was also a master.

Xue'er hurriedly turned sideways and bowed her head: "See Your Majesty."

Zhou An didn't even look at her, he strode directly into the Hall of Mercy, and the guards who followed him stopped outside the door of the hall, only the eunuch followed in.

This guy is really a guy who is afraid of death. He still brings so many masters in this palace at any time. Is he afraid that someone will come to take his dog's life?

(End of this chapter)

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