Chapter 1055

Chapter 1068

Xue'er looked at Zheng Zhongwen, Zheng Zhongwen nodded to her: "Go back."

The three returned to Jinghe Palace, Zheng Zhongwen said: "Is there any way to enter the Hall of Cihe blatantly?"

Xue'er thought for a while, and said: "A few days ago, Jiao'er fell ill. Because it was night, there was no imperial physician on duty in the palace. Because the situation was really critical, I asked His Majesty to announce that the imperial physician would enter the palace to treat Jiao Er. His Majesty immediately embraced her." After leaving Jiao Er to go to the Hall of Mercy, it was only then that I knew that my sister was not dead and was under house arrest by him in the Hall of Mercy."

Zhong Wen's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "How about letting Jiao Er pretend to be sick again?"

Xue'er was a little embarrassed: "But Jiao'er is so young, how can he pretend to be sick, it's easy to reveal his secrets."

Zhongwen shook his head: "No, look at mine." He turned around and went to the small kitchen. There was no hawthorn in the kitchen, so he used other fruits instead and made a bunch of candied haws.

When Rongyue made candied haws for Lianwen, he watched from the side and learned this technique, but he never expected it to come in handy.

Zhong Wen handed over a bunch of candied haws to Jiao Er. Jiao Er had never eaten it before, and she was so happy that she ate it all up and down, and stretched out her little hand to ask for more.

Zhongwen laughed and said, "You still want to eat?"

Jiao Er nodded: "Yes, it's delicious."

Zhongwen asked: "If you want to eat candied haws, you have to promise me one thing. Only when you do it, you can get the second candied haws."

Jiao Er seemed to understand, but asked, "What is one thing?"

So Zhongwen took out all the patience he had in his life, preached for two full hours, from dawn to dusk, and finally taught Jiao Er.

If Jiao Er is really an obedient and sensible child, it would be his daughter who howled twice, not to mention whether he and Rong Yue would give it to her, even Xiao Bai would go to the kitchen to get it for her.

So it is not easy for my daughter to do something.

When the time came, Xue'er sent Ling'er to the Royal Palace to report the situation to His Majesty, saying that Prince Jiao suddenly complained of stomach pains and was writhing in pain, begging His Majesty to let him go to the Hall of Mercy for the Queen to see.

At that time, Zhou An had urgent government affairs to deal with, so he didn't go with him, and only asked Mr. Fu'an to lead Ling'er to lead others.

From the Royal Palace to Jinghe Palace, and then from Jinghe Palace to Cihe Palace, it took only half an hour, but it was extremely tormenting.

The moment he stepped into the Hall of Mercy, when he saw that very familiar figure in the brightly lit hall, his heart that had been hanging all this time finally fell to the ground slowly.

Eunuch Fu An carried Prince Jiao, who kept screaming 'pain', into the palace, and shouted to Qi Rongyue, who was walking around the palace to digest food: "My queen, it's not good, Prince Jiao is ill, please give me some help, Mrs. Queen." Look, prince."

Behind Fu'an was Xue'er supported by Ling'er, and behind Xue'er was a tall figure, dressed in the same maid's clothes as Ling'er.

She didn't take a closer look, and said anxiously: "Quickly put Prince Jiao on the bed."

After Fuan put Prince Jiao on the bed, he quickly backed away. Rong Yue hurriedly stepped forward to check, and saw that Jiao Er kept screaming, but there was no trace of pain on his face, as if he was screaming for the sake of screaming.

She has taken care of children before, so she knows what it looks like when a child is in pain. It must be the scene of tears and snot, crying, and Baozheng is definitely not what Jiao Er looks like.

Jiao Er pretended to be sick so that Xue Er could enter the Hall of Mercy and Harmony. It seemed that Xue Er must have something to say to her.

She pretended to take Jiao Er's pulse, frowned and said to Fu'an: "Eunuch Fu, Prince Jiao's abdominal pain is unbearable, and I can't find out the cause of it at this moment, so I will prescribe a prescription first, and you go get the medicine. Take a dose first, see and then talk."

(End of this chapter)

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