Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1057 Take 1 step and see 1 step

Chapter 1057 Take a step by step

Chapter 1070

"He was sending medicinal materials to Longxi, and he happened to meet me, and when he learned that you were trapped in Zhoudu, he followed him." While speaking, his eyes became a little bitter: "You, how much love debt do you still have?" Haven't settled yet?"

Rong Yue laughed: "Isn't the biggest debt of love I owe to you? This life will never end."

Xue'er said: "The two of you should stop talking about love and talk about something important. It's not easy to come here. You can't let Jiao Er pretend to be sick. You will be found out sooner or later."

Zhongwen smiled and said: "There is nothing important. When we get here, we can only take one step at a time."

The three of them talked for a while, listening to the sound, Mr. Fu'an seemed to be back, Zhong Wen hurriedly followed Ling'er back to the side.

Fu An came in and saw that the little prince was sitting on the side of the bed and was doing well, and he didn't feel any stomach pain anymore. He wondered, "Prince Jiao is all right?"

Rong Yue nodded: "It's healed, maybe it's because I ate too much dinner and accumulated food. I gave him another injection just now, and it doesn't hurt now. You won't need this medicine for the time being, so put it here first." Go." Bing'er stepped forward to take the medicine bag from Fu'an.

Rong Yue said again: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Your Majesty, you are really disrespecting this little slave. It is my blessing to be able to do things for your empress and the prince. As long as the prince is fine, I will report back to His Majesty and let His Majesty feel relieved."

Take it easy?If he cared, why didn't he come to visit now?Obviously didn't take it to heart.

Fu An turned around and said to Concubine Xue: "Concubine Xue, let's go out with this slave!"

Xue'er nodded, stepped forward to pick up her son, turned around and followed Fu'an out of the Hall of Cihe.

Back at Jinghe Palace, the first thing Zhongwen did was to make another bunch of candied haws for Jiaoer, otherwise he would be too hungry to sleep.

"Xue'er, thank you, if it wasn't for you today, I would definitely not see Rongyue."

Xue'er smiled wryly: "My lord, you are too polite. There is only so much I can do. I blame me for being useless. After staying in this palace for three years, it is still the same as when I first entered the palace. It is useless at all."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly said: "Xue'er, please don't say that. I am already very grateful that you can help me see Rongyue. You also have your difficulties, and I know it all."

Relying on her limited knowledge of the palace, Xue'er drew him a topographic map overnight, at least it would save him some detours.

When they returned to the residence, it was almost dawn, and Sima Changfeng and Miss Qing had been waiting for him all night, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that he had returned safely.

Sima Changfeng asked: "You went all night, did you see anyone?"

Zhong Wen said: "I see, she is fine now, but it can't be delayed any longer. Zhou An's temperament is changeable, God knows when he will go crazy."

Miss Qing yawned: "I really can't take it anymore, you two discuss it slowly, and I'll take a nap for a while."

At three o'clock in the morning, the sky was getting dark, Zhou An stretched his waist, and finally stood up from the chair behind the imperial table. He sat for a whole night, and being an emperor was really not easy.

These old fellows had nothing to do when they were full every day, so they only found work for him, but the paperwork that had not been processed in two days piled up like a mountain, and it took a whole night to finish it.

Seeing that it was almost time to go to court, he thought that he hadn't seen Rongyue for a day and a night, and he was very worried, so he sneaked out of the Royal Palace alone and went to the Hall of Cihe without disturbing anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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