Chapter 1058
Chapter 1071

When the guards outside the Hall of Cihe saw him, they were surprised. His Majesty had never come at this hour before. It must be time to go to court. Why did His Majesty come here suddenly?

The guard was about to salute, Zhou An waved his hand: "No need, keep quiet, so as not to disturb the queen to rest."

The guards all kept silent, thinking that the queen didn't know that the blessings she had cultivated in her life could make her majesty treat her like this. You know, the majesty in the past didn't come here once in ten days and half a month The harem, even if he came to the harem, it was like a routine. He had never stayed in the harem, and he never looked at or said a few words to the concubines of any palace.

Zhou An entered the Hall of Cihe lightly, and the maid guarding the outer hall door saw that His Majesty was coming down, and hurriedly opened the hall door to let him in. The hall was very quiet, the sky was not yet bright, and the room was still dark.

No matter how dark it was, he could still find her with his eyes closed.

Rong Yue has always been a light sleeper, let alone in such a place, how dare she fall asleep peacefully, when the palace door opened, she woke up, and heard the soft footsteps, although they were light, they were by no means the footsteps of a maid.

She didn't move, pretending to be asleep.

The man walked to her bed, stood by the bed and looked at her quietly, motionless.

A mellow fragrance entered her nostrils, she could smell this kind of fragrance from time to time, Zhou An always had this kind of fragrance on his body, this kind of incense was burned in his royal palace for a long time.

The fragrance on his body today is particularly strong, stronger than usual, it seems that he has been busy in the Royal Palace all night.

She finally felt a little uncomfortable, so she turned over and turned her back to him.

He sighed, stepped forward a few steps, sat down beside her bed, stretched out his hand to pull the quilt covering her body, just moved a little, she immediately grabbed his arm, and asked angrily, "What are you doing?"

Zhou An looked at her in surprise: "You didn't sleep?"

"I fell asleep, but woke up again. You didn't go to court this early in the morning. What are you doing here? Forgot what I said?"

Zhou An let go of the hand holding the corner of the quilt: "I just want to cover you with the quilt, don't think too much about it."

She let go of his arm and pushed him away: "Stay farther away, at least three feet away from me."

Zhou An suddenly laughed: "I've never seen a woman who is as aggressive as you. Do you think I, Zhou An, are easy to bully?"

He suddenly bent down, and his face was only a fist away from her face, so close that he could feel the breath from her nose and mouth.

"Don't challenge my limits. I am also a man, and I have the instincts of a man." He looked at the face in front of him, those beautiful and ridiculous eyes, and the slightly parted red lips. With all of my self-control, I left her side and strode away.

Rong Yue clutched her chest and gritted her teeth angrily, this guy made her very uneasy, very uneasy.

When the night fell again, two figures flew out from the scenery and the palace. Taking advantage of the darkness, they took a small path to the Imperial Garden and found the plum grove that Rong Yue had mentioned. Sure enough, there was a palace wall between the plum groves. On the other side, there is another forest. They were about to go in to find out. As soon as they climbed up the high palace wall, there was a sound of dogs barking in the forest. Immediately, there was a figure flashing in the forest, and the two hurriedly retreated. back.

No wonder there are no guards patrolling here. It turns out that the masters are waiting inside, but they didn't expect that the enemy is actually inside the palace, not outside the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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