Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1062 Blocking the Sharp Arrow

Chapter 1062 Blocking the Sharp Arrow

Chapter 1075

But for Zhongwen, how could his mind be different.

He hugged Rongyue, held up his dagger to block the sharp arrow that pierced the wind, and wrapped his arms around her waist to dodge in the rain of arrows, but the arrows did not come from one direction, but from all directions, he With one's own strength and body, how could one take Rong Yue to avoid it safely.

With a sound of 'Puchi', a sharp arrow pierced his back shoulder, he clenched his teeth, not letting the pain show on his face, he tried his best to clear away the sharp arrow that shot at her back for Rong Yue, but He completely exposed his back to the enemy.

Rong Yue came back to her senses, raised her head from his embrace, her eyes fell on behind him, several sharp arrows came fiercely, she pushed him away violently, and used her body to block the sharp arrows.

Just when Zhou An and Zhong Wen's hearts were about to stop, another slender figure pounced forward, she used her frail body to block Rong Yue's body, and several sharp arrows stabbed fiercely into her chest. The body, one of which even passed through the body, wasting the blood of the melting moon.

She held on to her body that could no longer stand, and she didn't care about another sharp arrow that pierced through the wind. The sharp arrow pierced her clothes and pierced her right shoulder. The pain was piercing, but she As if numb, she stared blankly at Xue'er who was lying in her arms with several sharp arrows stuck in her body.

Her hands kept shaking: "Xue Er, no, you will be fine, I am a miracle doctor, I am a miracle doctor, I can save you."

A mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, she exhausted all her strength, and tightly grasped Rong Yue's hand, "Little Miss, help me, help me take care of Jiao Er—" Her eyes fell into the distance and were caught by Ling Yue's hand. hugged Jiao Er in his arms, howling Jiao Er, he was still so small, so small——

The hand that tightly held Rongyue hung down limply, and the life that was still alive just now fell in front of her like this.

She cried with her mouth open, but she couldn't make a sound. The tears blurred her vision, and she couldn't even breathe because of the heartache.

She put down Xue'er, stood up slowly, and pulled out the sharp arrow that penetrated into her right shoulder. Regardless of the gushing blood, she held the arrow in her hand and walked towards Zhou An step by step. dizzy.

Many guards stood in front of Zhou An, blocking her way with their bodies.

Holding on to the last strength in his body, Zhong Wen struggled to get up, came to Rong Yue's side, and pressed her wound tightly with his hands to prevent the blood from flowing out. He was also pierced with two arrows, which also hurt The heart-piercing pain also overflowed with blood.

Zhou An froze in place, he didn't expect things to develop like this, he had never seen Rong Yue like this before, he was covered in blood, the tears on his face were still wet, but his eyes were extremely fierce.

"Get out of the way." He ordered to the guards.

The guards did not dare to disobey, and immediately dispersed to both sides. Although they dispersed, the knives in their hands were still held high. As long as anyone dared to harm their master, their knives would slash at that person without mercy.

Rong Yue did not walk in front of Zhou An in the end, no matter how strong her willpower was, she could not withstand her completely overdrawn body. She fell into Zhong Wen's arms, and Zhong Wen gradually couldn't hold on anymore, and both of them collapsed.

Zhou An shouted wildly: "What are you still doing in a daze? Pass on to the imperial physician, quickly pass on to the imperial physician."

Bing'er and Ling'er, who were already frightened, stood by the side of the road like two logs. In front of their eyes were figures dangling constantly. Their masters all fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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